Reincarnation III

         Opening Prayer

         First: please ask the children the meaning of the following sentence which Jesus said: "No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." (John 3:3). Jesus was talking about reincarnation (today’s topic to be discussed). It is necessary to reincarnate in order to progress; to participate in the kingdom of God. Jesus taught us the kingdom of God is within ourselves. Every one of us can put his kingdom into practice once we follow his teachings.

         Second: please question the children if they believe in reincarnation. If they say yes, please ask them why. We advice you to wait for their responses, but add any comments if necessary.

         Third: please show them the video which presents a case of reincarnation. If this is not possible, the spiritist teacher could tell them this story and highlight that this is based on real facts; not fiction.

          Click here download the video.

          Click here to find some comments about it.

         Fourth: please distribute phrases to them with the theme Reincarnation. Please ask each child to analyze the sentence first and then comment it with the group. This activity could be done individually or in pairs, depending on the number of children.

          Click here to find some suggested phrases to be distributed.

          Click here to find the phrases with resources/explanations for the Spiritist Teacher.

         Fifth: please ask each child to read their sentence and make comments on it. The spiritist teacher should add any relevant ideas if needed.

         Observation: during these presentations, the spiritist teacher could also tell the children some cases which exemplify reincarnation. Please find here below some suggested cases:

          Click here to find articles about the true story which has given the basis for the movie “Yesterday's Children” – International Magazine of Spiritism - RIE – February 2001.

          Click here to find comments related to the movie “Yesterday's Children”, based on a true story.

          Click here to find a story from the book “A meeting with Jesus”; from Divaldo Franco – compiled by Délcio Carlos Carvalho. We would suggest you to use the stories from pages 248 and 250.

         Closing Prayer

         Class being suitable for: 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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