Comments from the video

                  "Ian Hagedorn was born with a heart failure condition. Ian had underdeveloped the pulmonary valve. On top of that, the right side of his heart hasn’t developed well either; this lead to lack of oxygen in his blood. He would only live if he went through an emergency surgery (God’ plan for Ian to survive in order to proof that reincarnation truly exists). Ian went through the first surgery six hours after being born. After 9 hours of intervention, the doctors were able to make the valve work the way it should.

                  By the age of 4, he had already gone through 6 surgeries. One year before Ian was born his grandfather had been killed by two men with a machine gun. He died because his pulmonary valve was hit by the gun shots; it is the same valve that makes Ian goes through surgeries nowadays. His perispirit, which constitutes an ethereal body, had been injured. This is the reason why this spirit’s new physical body has this deficiency.

                  Hence, Ian has now these birth marks which are beyond memory or chance. These diseases or faults our material body has once we are reborn are called congenital.

                  We suggest that besides commenting on reincarnation, it would be good to highlight Ian’s past life memories of his last incarnation.