The boy Munesh Bhajan Singh was studied by the Indian Doctor Dr. Rabi Nat Banerjee. This case has been narrated by Divaldo Pereira Franco in the video called Scientific Proofs of Reincarnation (Provas Científicas da Reencarnação). We advice you all to purchase this lecture; all the money gathered from its purchase goes to the maintenance of Mansão do Caminho (Mansion of the Way). This institution has provided housing, education, and care for over 600 adopted children in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, through a system of foster homes.

         There was a child who was born in the city of Shandagali on December 1950. In 1954 this little boy was being bathed by his mother and he misbehaved. His mother hit him, but the little boy looked at her seriously and said:

         - Don’t hit me. If you hit me again, I will return to my wife’s house.

         His mother found it quite amusing as it seemed quite off in 1954 for a 4 year old child to want to go to his wife’s house. She asked en passant:

         - Very well then. Who is your wife?

         - Aloja Devi.

         - Oh, good! Where does she live?

         - She lives in the city of Itani.

         - Oh, but... – the little boy then returned to be a child. On the following day his mother found him crying. She then asked:

         - Why are you crying, Munesh?

         - I miss my wife...

         - But son, you are only 4 years old!

         - But I have a wife called Aloja Devi!

         His mother felt quite curious about his statement, as she didn’t believe in reincarnation; it was not part of her culture. She followed the Koran; even if reincarnation was popular in India, her family didn’t believe on it. On another occasion the boy seemed to be distracted from the place he was. She then asked him:

         - What are you thinking about, Munesh?

         - I am thinking about my wife, my son and my donkey. I remember how my house looks like, mommy.

         The little boy then described his house:

         - This house is located close to a river that has orange trees with flowers usually in blossom. It is a white house; I can recall my wife’s eyes.

         It was from this moment in time that Munesh began to have a double personality. He was a normal 4 year old child but suddenly would say weird things. He would take over a personality that would not match with his physical-mental age. His mother decided to take him to a doctor who state his nerves were quite altered; he prescribed some tranquilizers to the little boy. Therefore, Munesh had changed since that time she bathed him. His mother was so concerned she wasn’t able to keep that secret from others – this is how women are; they can’t keep a secret! They also worry too much! Man can’t keep secrets either! The meaning of the word secret is for us to tell it to our best friend, who then tells it to his other best friend, etc, etc.

         His mother told her little boy’s secret to a friend and said:

         - For God’ sake! This is a secret. We are Muslims and follow Mohamed’s teachings. I don’t want to get into trouble.

         Her neighbor then said:

         - Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me (not).

         She naturally had another friend, who she then told that story to. Who can actually keep a secret? Soon later the entire city became aware of this ‘secret’. There is another advantage to keeping a ‘secret’: everybody knows, but pretends not knowing.

         This news were so popular, it traveled until New Delhi. This city was 2000 km away from Shandagali; the secret traveled fast. Banerjee wrote down the details of this child, but decided not to visit her as there insufficient data to locate him.

         When Munesh was 6 years and 6 months of age, two ladies stopped over at his front door. One of them was very tall, thin and young. The other one was shorter, a bit more fat and older. Please pay attention to this dialog – They came close to Munesh’s uncle-grandpa and asked:

         - Is it here that a child claims to be the reincarnation of Bhajan Singh?

         The gentleman said:

         - Yes, it is.

         - Can you please call him? I am Bhajan Singh’s mother and would like to talk to him.

         Munesh’s uncle-grandpa said:

         - Munesh, here is your mother from the time you were Bhajan Singh.

         The child came running towards the door. The Brahmin tradition estates that the little boy would need to kiss the hands or feet of the lady. She than handed the little boy her hand. As soon as he reached it to kiss her hand, he looked up and said:

         - You are not my mother! You are my wife!

         The lady smiled and said:

         - I am Bhajan Singh’s mother.

         - Who are you trying to deceive?! How would I forget your tempting eyes?

         She then said:

         - How can you say I am the wife of Bhajan Singh?

         - Because I can remember. Before I married you, I used to date your sister. In order to be able to ask your hand in marriage, I promised I would marry her. This enabled me to get inside your house. When it was time for me to ask her hand in marriage, I asked yours instead. This caused a great surprise to your family. I was then able to marry you. Isn’t it true?

         She then said:

         - Yes, it’s true. I am Aloja Devi; Bhajan Singh’s widow. I wish you give me another proof.

         In the meantime, all neighbors (who actually hate to snick into others’ lives) had already formed a group of people who was watching the entire conversation. The lady looked around whilst Munesh asked:

         - Would you like a public or private proof?

         - Public, naturally.

         He then said:

         - I recall that before I died, in 1948 I traveled to the city of Agra. I was planning to do my University exams. When I returned, I found out you had fought with my mother. I then desperately hit you with a wooden stick – in India it is ok for husbands to his their wives; just as in Brazil is ok for women to hit their husbands. When I was hitting you, the stick broke into pieces. It injured your elbow and left you with a scar. Can you please show it?

         The lady then raised her sleeve and showed her scar. She then said:

         - Well, this could be a coincidence. Every woman in India has already been hit by her husband. – I want a private proof.

         He then said:

         - Here?

         She replied:

         - No; in the alcove.

         The little boy went inside his house with the two ladies and his parents. They stayed there for more than two hours. When the ladies left, the neighborhood couldn’t wait any longer and asked:

         - So, is he the reincarnation of your husband?

         The lady then said to all these mean creatures:

         - This little devil is my husband’s soul; only he would know about our intimacy relationship.

         Banerjee adds:

         "In India it is considered a crime to reveal details about a couple’s relationship to others. This could lead to severe punishment. The little boy knew details about her relationship with her husband."

         The lady left the place desolated, but happy. It was then that Banerjee came to New Delhi in order to interview the little boy. He also recorded him and published a movie. He also suggested a challenge to his family, which was well accepted by them: they would travel 400 km to the top of the mountains. The little boy, his parents and Banerjee traveled by car to Itani. On the following day, Banerjee asked the little boy to prove that he had already lived in that place. He then said:

         - I remember that in this house Mr. X lived. I also remember that this street is called Y and that one is called Z.

         He then started to tell interesting facts to the interviewer. Local authorities were invited to talk to the little boy, who laughed with him and said:

         - This boy recalls Mr. Bhajan Singh, who belonged to our community and used to tell the same stories. He died in January 1950 due to burning fever – this was the same statement given by the little boy when he was interviewed by Banerjee. Banerjee decided to get further evidence and asked the little boy if he was able to identify his home.

         - Let’s go there!

         They then left with the locals. The little boy reached a house close to the river, opened the door and started to complain:

         - This is horrible! What have you done to my house?!

         The residents came to the living room and complained about the invasion of property. Banerjee explained this was a scientific experience. The little boy said:

         - Why did you paint my living room with this odd colour?!

         The man who lives there then said:

         - Well, we purchase this house 7 years ago from the widow Aloja Devi. She was really sad with the sudden death of her husband due to burning fever. She decided to move to another city near by. Since I was engaged and wanted to get married, I painted the house to please my wife. She asked me to use the yellow colour; the same tone of her sari.

         The little boy then said:

         - Very well then. Here, before I died, I left a corner shelf with the Goddess Shiva, plus some golden coins. My wife was pregnant and I promised I would make her an offer if the childbirth would be normal. I left 9 golden coins there.

         The man then said:

         - Oh, now it’s explained! When I bought this house, I knocked down Shiva’s statue. When it fell on floor I realized it was full of gold. I am now devoted of Shiva; I want to see if this Goddess can send me more coins. I never really understood this before!

         Banerjee took the little boy to the city where the widow lives. He was able to confirm the evidence and finish his research. He was able to produce a series of analysis and conclude:

         - Reincarnation is the only explanation for the case of Munesh Bhajan Singh, since his memory is not cerebral, but extra-cerebral.