1 – Reincarnation is one of the Divine laws, which gives us the certainty of evolution.

         2 – If reincarnation didn’t exist, there would be no Divine justice. God would have then created individuals physically, intellectually and socially different.

         3 – If reincarnation didn’t exist, God would not be kind as it is impossible to reach perfection in only one existence.

         4 – No one is born again with the objective of doing evil, but always with the objective of practicing goodness.

         5 – We could reincarnate with physical limitations, if this would be important for our learning process.

         6 – The spirit doesn’t retrograde, but may remain stationary.

         7 – We reincarnate to learn, to cooperate with God’s work, to acquire knowledge we lack of, progress and learn from our past mistakes.

         8 – Reincarnation happens in different worlds; in accordance with the needs of our spirit and our evolution.

         9 – Reincarnation is a very important opportunity.