1 – Reincarnation is one of the Divine laws, which gives us the certainty of evolution.
         The same spirit reincarnates in different physical bodies, according to its needs for progress.

         2 – If reincarnation didn’t exist, there would be no Divine justice. God would have then created individuals physically, intellectually and socially different.
         Each spirit was created simple and ignorant; all working towards perfection. Spirits were originated ignorant and without experience, but acquiring, little by little, the knowledge which they lack, by passing through the different phases of human life. If reincarnation didn’t exist, there would be no justice: God would have then created individuals physically, intellectually and socially different.

         3 – If reincarnation didn’t exist, God would not be kind as it is impossible to reach perfection in only one existence.
         It depends on the spirits themselves to hasten their progress towards perfection, but this can’t happen in only one existence as evolution happens little by little. They reach the goal more or less quickly according to the strength of their desire and the degree of their submission to the will of God. Our Creator will give us as many opportunities as we need to reach perfection; this shows us how kind and loving God is to us.

         4 – No one is born again with the objective of doing evil, but always with the objective of practicing goodness.
         God has not created any spirits bad; He has created them simple and ignorant, that is to say, possessing an equal aptitude for good and for evil. Those who become bad become so of their own free-will. You can always opt to practice good or evil.

         5 – We could reincarnate with physical limitations, if this would be important for our learning process.
         Our physical limitations allow us to correct our attitudes, redeem, and discipline our tendencies and progress quicker. We can choose in the Spiritual world a challenge which will speed up our progress; this doesn’t have to be the consequence from a mistake we made in the past.

         6 – The spirit doesn’t retrograde, but may remain stationary.
         Spirits may remain stationary, but they never retrograde; those who are rebellious are punished by not advancing, and by having to recommence their misused existences under the conditions suited to their nature. A spirit which has animated a human body can never be incarnated in an animal No; for such an incarnation would be a retrogradation; and a spirit never retrogrades. Therefore, the doctrine of the metempsychosis (reincarnation of in the body of animals) doesn’t exist. This would imply the idea of a retrogradation; Spiritism tells us we don’t retrograde.

         7 – We reincarnate to learn, to cooperate with God’s work, to acquire knowledge we lack of, progress and learn from our past mistakes.
         We learn to love, to forgive, to do charity and to understand one another. We are not “born to suffer”. Reincarnation aims to allow us to reach true happiness, which is to be in harmony with the divine laws.

         8 – Reincarnation happens in different worlds; in accordance with the needs of our spirit and our evolution.
         Since we progress little by little, we will have innumerous reincarnations. We can’t tell how many times each spirit will need to reincarnate, as it will depend on their efforts to progress and use of their free-will.

         9 – Reincarnation is a very important opportunity.
         There are many spirits wanting to reincarnate, but not enough opportunities. Some people might say they didn’t ask to be born, but in truth most of us have begged for a new opportunity in the physical body, so we could progress.