Mother was able to meet her children from her previous life

Orson Peter Carrara

         This article talks about a movie which was launched in DVD talking based on a true story. The movie approaches the concept of reincarnation; based on the book Yesterday's Children: The Search for My Family from the past from Jenny Cockell.

         “Yesterday's Children” tells the story of Jenny Cole. She lives with her husband and son in middle America. She is pregnant and starts to have very vivid dreams about a small city that has a big church. She then starts talking to her mother about it and her mother shows her some drawings she made when she was a child. To her amazement they are identical to the drawings from her dreams that she is now having. Jenny and her mother do research and find that the dreams are about a small town in Ireland in the 1930s. The mother gives Jenny, her son and her husband tickets to go to Ireland, so that she can find out about her dreams. This is a very moving story. Jenny’s role was interpreted by the renowned actress Jane Seymour, who also acted on "Somewhere in Time". Therefore, this time this movie is based on real facts; not in just fiction.

         Marcus Cole was the Director of this movie. It lasts for 93 minutes, and it available in different languages. It was produced in the USA in 2000. It is a touching story of a mother's haunting dreams which lead her to another place, another time, and a mysterious past... her own. Jenny Cole seems to have troubling dreams about a family in a small town in Ireland where a woman has to put up with a drunkard of a husband and a child abuser. He is told that his wife with lose her life if she has any more children and her husband is too busy drinking to really care.

         This movie talks about family conflicts, life and death but mainly about past life memories and reincarnation. This production was able to reproduce the reality of Jenny Cockell’s life. She lived in a different time and a different place, as a young mother. She would have memories of this cottage close to the fields. She was the mother of several children, who died after giving birth 21 years before her own birth; she is now called Jenny.

         Her determination to meet her 'children', who are now old enough to be her parents, is very touching. This is a true love lesson which involves characters bringing the concept of reincarnation in a logical, simple and clear way. It makes us wonder; especially those who question the plurality of existences. For those who believe on it, this is a precious movie.

         The DVD presents us with extra features as well. There are some testimonials from the spiritist movement leaders such as Marlene Nobre, Nestor Masotti and Zalmino Zimmermman. There are also questions and answers from the writer Therezinha Oliveira and some of Jenny’s pictures with her children from her previous existence. You will also find pictures of the city where she met them, in Ireland.

         Versátil has been offering us with excellent materials in DVD, which enables us to disseminate the spiritist thinking. This topic was discussed at an article from the International Magazine of Spiritism - RIE – February 2001. This is an incredible case of past life memories. Even though I knew the story, this movie made me cry as it is very emotional.

         I would like to congratulate the producer Oceano Vieira de Melo for his excellent work in the dissemination of the Spiritist Doctrine. Versátil ( has extraordinary DVDs which cover the spiritist movement and thinking.

         We have the duty to talk about what is good. I would like to congratulate Versátil. I would recommend this production to all readers, due to the quality of this movie.

Orson Peter Carrara: Spiritist Speaker, newspaper and book writer.
He is the author of the book CAUSA E CASA ESPÍRITA (CAUSE and SPIRITIST CENTRE).
He has innumerous articles published throughout Brazil.