The Importance of Spiritist Teachings III


         Lesson objective: educate the youth group of the importance of Spiritist Education as a learning tool; as resources for their lives in the face of various situations. Shed light on the importance of these themes for their lives, getting them interest on participating and on the activities. Lead them to realize that the Spiritist Education seeks to bring the knowledge of the Spiritist Teachings, so we can know ourselves better, understand the world around us and seek to improve. This will help us carry out our inner reform and improve the world around us.

         Greetings and Opening prayer

         First: exposure through dialogue.

         Not always intellectual and moral development goes together. That is why we see sometimes very intelligent people, but unscrupulous; at other times we see people who haven’t had the opportunity to study, but have a very good heart. We can also find people who haven’t developed much, intellectually or morally speaking, requiring learning opportunities on both sides.

         We all need to educate ourselves, both intellectually and morally. We can’t forget any of these sides. For a long time, education was treated only as "the development of the intellect". We often forgot to educate our feelings; the "moral development" of the individuals.

         In the moral aspect, Spiritism is giving humanity a very important contribution by promoting inner reform, overcoming problems, vices and imperfections; thus, contributing to the regeneration of the planet, by changing people from within.

         Human beings’ improvement is the major goal of Spiritism. To this end, the Spiritist Teachings invite us to the greatest of all battles: the duel of each one of us against ourselves, trying to tame our evil tendencies. This is the "good fight". It is the constant struggle within our intimacy, aiming to overcome the greatest enemies of mankind, which are the cause of our suffering: selfishness and pride.

         Second: group analysis of the teaching from a wise old Indian who once described his internal conflicts:


         When asked which one of the dogs would win the fight, the wise Indian paused, reflected and said: "THE ONE I FEED!"

         Third: Apply the group dynamics called Qualities and Defects.

         Fourth: Analyse the group dynamics.

         We all have qualities and imperfections, but we must respect and prioritize our qualities. We can work on our limitations when we know ourselves well. We should seek Jesus’ teachings at the Spiritist Education lessons, to work on these imperfections. These lessons enable us to find a better way to live. We can always ask the help of our spiritual guides, who can guide us safely.

         Fifth: distribute the questions and the answers from the questionnaire separate from each other; amongst the children/youth.

         The children/youth should interact with each other to organize the questions with their correspondent answers.

         Each pair formed by Question and Answer, should read the question and interpret the response to the other classmates.

         Click here to see a suggested questionnaire.

         Sixth: apply the moral test oorally. The spiritist teacher must give each child/youth a sheet of paper. Ask them to number it from 01 to 20. They will need to mark the letter corresponding to their response, right next to the corresponding number. These answers will be given in accordance with the suggestions proposed by the spiritist teacher.

         At the end of the test, the spiritist teacher will ask the children/youth to assign to each letter (a) 5 points, each letter (b) 10 points and each letter (c) 15 points. Then everyone should their numbers sum up to see what outcome came, according to the results below.

         Nobody needs to tell colleagues or the spiritist teacher evangelist their results.

         In the end, the spiritist teacher may comment on the answers a, b and c, noting the damages and benefits of the attitudes suggested in the test. The Law of Cause and Effect could be mentioned as well.


         Assign to each letter (a) 5 points, each letter (b) 10 points and each letter (c) 15 points.

         Sum up your numbers and see the results, as shown below:

         Results from the amount of points:

         100-200 - LOW: You need more "spiritual fitness" (exercise your moral qualities). Exercise forgiveness, love, patience, love, vigilance and prayer. You can do it!

         201-250 - GOOD: keep trying, you can get even better!

         251-300 - VERY GOOD: persevere and continue working on yourr moral reform. You're on the right way!

         Seventh: complete the study.

         Every child, teenager/youth has the chance of changing their life story with the help of the lessons learned at Spiritist Education classes; i.e. putting into practice the things that are studied, such as forgiveness, love, charity, solidarity... So, he/she will not only be evolving spiritually, but also contributing to the formation of a new humanity: fairer, happier and more Christian.

         Eighth: hand over a note to each child/youth that should be given to their parents, to strengthen the importance of the Spiritist Teachings in their lives.

         Click here to view suggested model.

         Click here to see a suggested note to be handed over to other cycles/age groups.

         Click here to view the questionnaire answered by Divaldo Pereira Franco, inspired by Joanna de Angelis on the Importance of Spiritist Teachings.

         Closing prayer

         Suggested Class suitable for: 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old) and Youth I (13 to 14 years old).

         Suggested lesson sent by Sandra Ramos Medeiros, Centro Espírita Fé, Amor e Caridade - Campo Grande/MS.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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