Moral Test

         Answer the following questions with honesty; choose a response for each statement:

         1. When someone offends or affects you in any way, you usually:

         a) seek revenge.

         b) feel hurt, but seek to eliminate this feeling over time.

         c) forgive immediately; not keeping any hurt feelings.

         2. If a person who has offended or hurt you before asked you for help, you:

         a) would not help and say that person does not deserve your help.

         b) would be disgusted with the person’s attitude, but would help anyway.

         c) would help and be happy to do goodness to those who hurt you.

         3. When someone offends or affects you:

         a) never pray for that person.

         b) pray asking God to do justice and that this person "has what he/she deserves."

         c) pray to God asking Him to bless the lives of those who have offended or hurt you.

         4. What do you do when you offend or hurt someone, knowing that you are wrong?

         a) You don’t regret and never apologize.

         b) You regret but hardly apologize.

         c) You regret and always apologize.

         5. If someone owes you a favour, you:

         a) never forget to demand what the other person ‘owe’ you.

         b) can even demand a favour from the other person, if you get a chance.

         c) never demand favours from another person.

         6. When you do a favour to someone who does not thank you or reward you, you typically:

         a) call the person ungrateful and demand something in return.

         b) feel upset but says nothing.

         c) think it’s good that the person does not repay or thank you.

         7. When you meet a sick, dirty and poorly dressed beggar on the street asking for help, you usually:

         a) feel disgusted and walk away.

         b) feel sorry, but rarely helps.

         c) feel compassion and always tries to help in any way.

         8. When do you normally do charity?:

         a) Never.

         b) Only when you are asked to help.

         c) you always aim to help others without expecting to be asked for help.

         9. When you do charity, you usually:

         a) feel proud of yourself and says what you have done to other people if you have the chance.

         b) you are willing to tell what you did to others, but seeks to control yourself and not comment.

         c) feel happy by doing goodness, but not proud. You don’t plan to comment on what you did to others.

         10. When someone, especially someone that does not get on well with you, does something wrong, you usually:

         a) criticize and comment that with other people.

         b) are willing to criticize, but control yourself and avoid giving feedback.

         c) do not criticize or feel like commenting on the fact.

         11. If someone criticizes you and points out an imperfection, you usually:

         a) point out the other person’s faults as well.

         b) do not fight back, but you feel hurt.

         c) do not fight back; or feel hurt.

         12. If someone advises you to change your attitude, you usually:

         a) disagree if someone points out one of your imperfections.

         b) recognize the imperfection, but doesn’t seek to change, saying things like "I was born this way and I will die this way" or "I will change on the next incarnation."

         c) recognize the imperfection and seek to change.

         13. How do you normally treat people?

         a) give preference to the wealthiest, more educated people and treat them better.

         b) you struggle to treat everybody without distinction, but seek to change that.

         c) you treat everyone with kindness, with no distinctions.

         14. What do you consider most important?

         a) Money.

         b) Health.

         c) Friends.

         15. If someone who followed your religion decided to change to another one, you:

         a) criticize and comment that to other people.

         b) think the person is the wrong, but avoids commenting.

         c) understand, respect and avoid comments.

         16. You usually, when you participate at any group work,...

         a) attempt to impose your opinion on others and if they don’t accept, you refuse to participate in the work.

         b) share your ideas, but if others don’t agree with them, you welcome the majority’s decision, but feel resented.

         c) share your ideas, but if others don’t accept them, you welcome the majority’s decision without resentment.

         17. How often do you pray:

         a) Never.

         b) Sometimes.

         c) Often.

         18. When you pray you:

         a) Just ask.

         b) Ask and sometimes thank God.

         c) Ask and always thank God.

         19. When you're in trouble or going through some pain, you usually:

         a) feel revolted, in despair and blame others or God for your suffering.

         b) suffer in silence, but feel like blaming someone else.

         c) thank God for the suffering and try to overcome it; not blaming anyone but himself.

         20. By answering the questions above, you:

         a) remembered the imperfections of someone known to you and thought things like "I don’t have such imperfections, but Joe has; for sure he would score more points than me."

         b) thought of someone else you know, but made no comparisons between the two of you.

         c) didn’t remember anyone else’s imperfections, but your own.

Source: translated from ‘Estudando o Espiritismo com a turma do Dequinho’
Clésio Ibiapina Tapety