Dear Parents or Gu

         The theme of today’s lesson today is: The Importance of Spiritist Education classes. It aims to educate young people on the importance of spiritist education as a way of learning; it gives them resources for their lives, across various situations. It also aims to shed light on the importance of the themes in your day-to-day life, waking up the interest to participate and integrate into the activities that Spiritist Education provides.

         Furthermore, it aims to lead our youth to realize Spiritist Education seeks to bring the knowledge of the Spiritist Teachings into light. It will help get to know them better, understand the world around them and thus seek to improve, promote inner reform and improve the world around us.

         This work will be completed only with the involvement of parents in this process of awareness, since they play a vital role with regards to directing their children into life, providing them with spiritual knowledge, thus complying with its material obligations.

         We decided to put on the wall a questionnaire answered by Divaldo Pereira Franco, inspired by Joanna de Angelis, which talks about the Importance of Spiritist Education classes for Children and Youth. This questionnaire is timely and has very relevant statements.

Best regards,


3rd Cycle – Spiritist Teacher

It is easier to build a boy than mend a manm. (Charles Govin Chick).