Virtues and Imperfections

         Objective: To talk about qualities/virtues and imperfections.

         Material needed: pencil and paper.

         Activity: The spiritist teacher will ask each participant to pair up with someone. If there are an odd number of kids, pair them up in a 3. Then, distribute a sheet of paper to each participant to write two things they don’t like about themselves, starting with the words "I am...” When finished, get them to share with their partner. On the same sheet, get them to write 10 things they enjoy in themselves, starting with the words: "I am...”

         Most of the times people have difficulty recognizing their qualities, so the partner can help, suggesting various qualities and virtues that he/she thinks the other has. When the work finished, get them to share with their partner.

         Note: remind them that they must analyse themselves with good sense and sincerity; since the main goal to help them carry out their inner reform.