01. What is the importance of the Spiritist Education for Children and Youth in shaping the 3rd Millennium society?

         Spiritist Education for Children and Youth is of utmost importance, as the children of today will be the new humanity of tomorrow. The youth of today will be called upon to perform tasks and meet the commitments whose results depend on the training that they will be given from now. Spiritism restores Jesus Christ’s thinking in a compatible manner with the achievements of modern knowledge – it’s obvious that the preparation of children and young minds in the light of spiritist education is the best programme for a happy and Christian society.

         As stated by the Spiritual Benefactors, higher spirits reincarnate to hasten the "kingdom of God." Other more unfortunate spirits were trapped in areas of shadow and pain for a few centuries, so that they didn’t disturb the march of progress of mankind. They will also be reincarnating - as it’s already been happening. Therefore, we should aim to help the latter to open new paths for the Good and the Truth, aiding them to awake their responsibilities.

         02. What kind of support is given by the Higher Spiritual Plane to the Movement for Spiritist Education of Children and Youth?

         The support happens through the constant inspiration and spiritual assistance given to those working in this field. The Spiritual Friends inspire ideas that are translated into programs and techniques, better meeting the needs of the Spiritist Movement for Children and Youth Education. The Spiritual Benefactors also provide therapeutic resources during the meetings dedicated to this task. They rescue and shelter those who bear marks from the past in the form of limitations, illnesses or alienations due to obsession. They also help raising the children and young people’s interest to a better understanding of the growing need for God. Plus, many Noble Spirits are reincarnated, acting as spiritist teachers.

         03. How are Superior Spirits seeing the actions of incarnate spirits who are responsible for the talks involving the Spiritist Education for Children and Youth?

         Superior Spirits see the actions of incarnate spirits in a positive way, considering the results that already have been achieved; not only in Brazil but in many other countries in the Americas where this work is under development. The Spiritual Benefactors achieve the task of bringing spirituality to the human creature, through dedicated incarnate workers.

         04. How do the spirits see the task of Spiritist Education of Children and Youth?

         The Spiritual Benefactors, including Dr. Bezerra de Menezes, Joanna de Angelis and Amelia Robinson, have been informing us that this work is the "seed" of good that produces the "fruit" of wisdom and peace. The Spiritist Center, through its various activities, commits to teach and live the Spiritist Teachings codified by Allan Kardec. These are all tasks of great and strong value.

         The work grows when directed to new generations that are not yet emotionally commit with today’s problems, as well as being receptive to the guidelines that come to them. The dissemination of Spiritism in all forms is the greatest challenge for the spiritists and the Spiritist institutions in this moment in time. The Spiritist Education for Children and Youth is one of the first activities to be undertaken as a basis for moral construction of the New World.

         05. Are there minimum requirements for someone to perform the task of Spiritist Education for Children and Youth? What would it be?

         We don’t intend to establish rules of conduct, which are already well presented in the Spiritist Teachings; in particular in page "Good man" and "The Gospel According to Spiritism, by Allan Kardec.

         The person wishing to carry out the task of Spiritist Education of Children and Youth must know the Spiritist teachings as well as have a good moral level as the foundation for the task. This person must have knowledge of Pedagogy/Education, Child Psychology, Methodology, as well as love, which is essential for the work. Moreover, preparation courses for spiritist teachers offer the basis for the work. These are offered periodically in various regions of the country under the guidance of the Brazilian Spiritist Federation.

         06. What should be the role of spiritists in general; that is, those who don’t work directly on Spiritist Education Children and Youth, for the growth and the greater success of this task?

         Spiritists should promote this important work by encouraging parents to take their children as soon as possible to these classes, contributing significantly to the results we expect to achieve. Spiritists should also lead by example, taking their children to spiritist education classes and following the spiritist teachings at home, which is still the best method to influence the minds.

         07. What orientation could Spiritual Friends give to parents in relation to taking their children to Spiritist education classes at the Spiritist Centres?

         Joanna de Angelis says that, as parents and guardians, we do intend to offer the best food to our children and to our students. We also want to favour them with the best circle of friends, dress them well; get them to have access to the best teachers within our income range, offer them the most efficient and effective medical treatments when they are ill; give them the means to maintain life; direct them to the profession they choose... It’s also natural to feel concerned about giving them the best guideline for a dignified life and a safe spiritual future. This route is Spiritism. So let’s take them to Spiritist Education classes; otherwise, we are not fulfilling our obligations.

         08. What resources could also be used to expand the task of Spiritist Education for Children and Youth?

         There could be more constant contact between parents and spiritist teachers in order to raise awareness of their responsibility, as well as exchange information more frequently, since both are interested in the moral and spiritual formation of children and youth. It’s also important to disseminate the results of the Spiritist Education classes for Children and Youth in the Spiritist Centres. It could also be highlighted that every good done to every child becomes a blessing in adulthood.

         09. What is the role of the Spiritist Education for Children and Youth in the expansion of the Spiritist Movement in Brazil?

         The role of the Spiritist Education for Children and Youth is very important. Thanks to the work that has been going on for years, along with children and young people, we find a lot of new spiritist workers nowadays that started to learn about Spiritism at spiritist education classes...

         This preparation for the men of tomorrow will enable Brazil to truly become "The heart of the world and the homeland of the Gospel" as stated by the Spirit Humberto de Campos, through Francisco Cândido Xavier. This translates the plan for the Brazilian nation from the Spirit World.

         10. What kind of collaboration can Brazil provide to other countries in the area of Spiritist Education for Children and Youth?

         We can provide information related to our experience, as it has been happening in Latin America by publishing materials in Spanish and distributing them freely at several countries. This has recently occurred in Cartagena of the Indies, Colombia, at the Pan American Spiritist Congress. The Brazilian Spiritist Federation taught a preparation course for spiritist teachers in that city, which had a very positive result.