01) What is the importance of participating at Spiritist Education classes?

         Through Spiritist Education classes we have the opportunity of studying and practicing Spiritism, promoting our inner reform, in order to become better and happier people. Thus, these teachings help us build a better world, of peace and friendship.

         02) What is inner reform?

         Inner reform is a continuous self-analysis process. It enables us to know our spiritual intimacy, freeing us from our imperfections and allowing us to achieve control ourselves and educate our feelings.

         03) What can we change in ourselves?

         We can and must replace our faults/imperfections for virtues.

         Imperfections: pride, envy, jealousy, selfishness, aggression, gossip, intolerance, vanity, etc.

         Virtues: kindness, humility, resignation, common sense, generosity, charity, gentleness, tolerance and forgiveness.

         04) How long do we need to complete our inner reform?

         Inner reform is a constant process. It only stops when there is nothing more "to be changed "; i.e., when the spirit becomes perfect or pure. Therefore, it might last many lifetimes, but it will be a much faster process the more the seeks its spiritual progress. Even after we reach the stage of relative perfection; that is, we become a pure Spirit like Jesus, we will continue to evolve. However, the only one who is absolute perfect is God, our Father and creator.

         05) How do we carry out our inner reform?

         1 - Knowing yourself is the first step towards inner reform.

         The Spiritist Teachings teach us that the most effective way for man to improve in this life and resist the attraction of evil is: to know himself. You need to know ourselves to change. The Spirits’ Book – question 919.

         It is very rare for people to stop a bit to reflect on their own acts, vices, virtues, attitudes... A lot of people often feel they have no imperfections and continue living their lives without worrying about it. Others find that they don’t have qualities or virtues; they lose the opportunity to use the talents they have.

         In the end of each day, ask your conscience and remember what you did, wondering to yourself if you haven’t missed any obligation, if you haven’t stopped doing something good on any occasion and if anyone had reason to complain about you. Consider whether you mistreated someone and if you felt proud or selfish at some point of your day.

         Avoid judging others, but allow yourself to look at yourself!

         2 - Changing attitudes is the second step.

         Once we know our own personality, its time to fix our mistakes and work on our qualities, trying to become better people. Allan Kardec left us the following teaching: "The true Spiritist can be recognised by their moral transformation and by the efforts they employ in order to dominate their bad instincts." (The Gospel According to Spiritism). The spiritist, is not better than anyone, but is bound to be better than himself. The spiritist should therefore work to be better today than yesterday; and tomorrow better than today.

         The spiritist must also avoid to do the same mistakes and seek to develop qualities that he/she hasn’t developed yet, but would like to have.

         One other important note: The spiritist must watch him/herself, always being careful not to incur on relapse.

         Changes will come gradually, and the results are amazing. The creature who constantly works on his/her inner reform becomes gradually more quiet, more serene in the face of life challenges, more patient and loving with others; finally, he/she becomes happier! This is the big fight. The good fight.

         It’s not an easy road, but it is a safe road. If people gradually are becoming aware of their own mistakes and carrying out their inner reform, they will improve their life and the lives of those around them. Besides, he/she will encourage and influence, by example, other people to change too. This way, human beings transform the world; beginning to change the world by changing yourself. Shall we try?