This lesson can be used / adapted for all cycles, including kindergarten. It is important to awaken in the children courage and trust in God our Father, who is always supporting and protecting us.
Lesson Objectives: lead the children to understand that we must strengthen our relationship with our Father. Make the children aware that we should relate courage with trust in God in all circumstances of life. We should act with balance so we take the right approach at the right time.
Opening prayer
First: the dynamic called Fear of challenges.
Second - question: Why didn’t anyone want to keep the box? What did they feel when they got the box in their hands?
If they reply that they felt "FEAR", ask: Fear of what?
We conclude this activity by saying that we fear the unknown, when faced with situations that could represent danger or shame, but we should learn that with God we can overcome all challenges, no matter how desperate the situation presents itself.
God is the only one that can strengthen our faith and help us continue our journey with confidence.
Third: promote a group dialogue, with the following questions.
Who remembers the experience of getting lost?
The greatest fear younger children have is the possibility of being separated from their parents. First comes the panic feeling, then loneliness and then they conclude that there is a very small probability of that child being found.
What does a child who got lost in a shopping centre, in the street, in a shop or in a park learns? This child learns to always stay close to the adult responsible for her/him.
Note: the spiritist teacher should relate the answer to this question to the fact that we should seek to be close to Jesus and our spiritual friends through prayer and good actions, so that we are always protected and well directed.
Children often have fears that often don’t let them fall sleep at night. Parents sometimes ask: What are you afraid of? They usually reply saying everything! They are also afraid that something can appear suddenly and seize them in case they need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
The spiritist teacher can share with them some kind of fear he/she has, for the children to feel more at ease to report their fears. The children may be taken by surprise to learn that adults also have fears, although they have grown up.
The spiritist teacher may ask the children to tell an experience that left them with fear. But only the children who feel ok to do so should report their fears. Nobody should be pressured to participate in this activity.
Fourth: exposure through dialogue.
We might find their fears funny, but children and young people’s fears are very real to them. Intelligent adults must treat the matter seriously. Today’s children, adolescents and youth have to face many other things, besides the well-known list of fears. One of the biggest fears that cause anxiety in children is parents’ divorce. The numbers of separations justify this fear. Besides, television brings all kinds of fears directly to our homes such as wars, assassinations and other types of violence. Children of all ages need to have the assurance that living Jesus' teachings bring a constant protection and comfort to their lives. Thus, they feel comforted in knowing that there is a good shepherd who cares for them and is always close by, even when Mom and Dad are away.
Older children are eager to grow and gain independence. This is natural and healthy. But they also need to recognize that maturity means recognizing how much we need to trust in Jesus and empower ourselves with his teachings.
We must always trust in Jesus, because he is always helping us to deal with difficult situations.
Remember that Jesus promised to always be with us, so the next time you feel afraid, remember that Jesus is always with you. Who has Jesus in the heart will never feel alone!
Fifth - questioning/dialogue (the spiritist teacher will listen to the children’s answers and then make the necessary explanations):
Why do we feel afraid? There is a light in your chest; a light that your eyes can’t see. Good feelings show up and everything becomes more beautiful when you turn on this light. This light makes you feel very happy.
When this light goes away, bad feelings appear. Everything gets ugly and painful. You feel sad without this light. When it is burning brightly, it leaves our mouth, making us smile. It comes from the eyes, making them glow; through our chest, leading us to love; through our arms, causing us to embrace.
We are happy when that light is on. Many times we let our little lights extinguish. When this light goes away, we feel fear. Fear comes when you think something bad can happen. But when we have the courage, the little light lights up again.
How can we light it and keep it lit?
It lights up and shines when you think positive and act positively. When we are close to Jesus; that is, when we act in accordance with the teachings of the Master.
COURAGE is the name of the feeling that happens when you believe that only good things can happen to you and to others. According to the dictionary, Courage is a moral strength or energy that leads us to face dangers. It also means value; fearlessness; boldness; bravery; fight with courage.
When you feel fear, strengthen your little light thinking of Jesus. Think that in the dark or in other situations that make you feel afraid, there are many unseen and cheerful lights that are always willing to protect us (who are our spiritual friends).
Does anybody want to tell how Jesus helped you in state of fear?
Sixth: tell the children the story Lights from Heaven.
Seventh: remember the episode in which Jesus walks on water and rescues the disciple Peter. He was desperate ... What happened to Peter? He and the other disciples were in a boat crossing to the other side. Jesus sees the boat tossed by the wind and goes out to them, walking on the sea.
Peter, seeing Jesus, asking him to let Peter come to Him, "Come," Jesus says. Peter leaves the boat and goes walking ... While he trusts in Jesus, he stands on the water! But when he saw the wind, he felt afraid and began to sink. He cried out, “Lord, save me!” Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
By shouting "Lord," Peter says that he is before the one who can do everything on land, sea and sky. When he cried - "Save Me" – he is before Him who is merciful, helping those who asked him for help. Peter saw it happening... Still, Peter was afraid...
In that question that Jesus asks Peter, the Lord is teaching that it’s not enough to have confidence when everything is quiet, but keep the faith even in the middle of the storm! We can identify ourselves with Peter, can’t we?
But he also teaches us! He shows us that Jesus’ disciple is not the one that never sinks, but the one who trusts once again. How many times have similar things happened to us! ... When the waves of the sea of life get agitated and it seems that our boat will turn… Yes, we call for Jesus. He says "come", and we even take some steps towards him. But suddenly the wind blows stronger, the waves of the problems get agitated... And we feel afraid... Fear paralyzes us. It prevents us from realizing that Jesus’ strong hands are holding ours so we don’t drown. But Jesus' hands are always there when we need them.
When we feel scared, just remember to trust in Jesus. He will hold our hand so firmly as he held Peter's.
Resource for the Spiritist Teacher:
1 - Text Jesus and faith, published by the journal Seara Espírita, from December/2009, taken from the site
2 - Class Fears, small fears, big fears, with story, dynamics and activity.
3 - Story The tranquility of the sheep in Powerponit.
Closing Prayer
Suggested Class suitable for: all cycles.
Suggested lesson sent by Sandra Ramos Medeiros, Centro Espírita Fé, Amor e Caridade - Campo Grande/MS.
Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.