Lights from Heaven

         Edward lives in a big house, along with other children. Anthony and Aurora are his parents.

         Despite living among friends, with children of his age and with his parents’ kindness, Ed is a child who seems to be scared all the time. He looks like someone who is always afraid of something.

         And indeed he is always afraid: he fears the storm; he fears staying in a room alone. He never sleeps with the lights off.

         His mom noticed Ed’s difficulty. Aurora then, one night, had an idea.

         - Very well, children. For now let's turn off the television. It's time to sleep.

         The children kissed their mom good-night and went to bed. Their rooms were located upstairs.

         Ed stayed behind, with a crying face. It’s because Julio and Flavio, his roommates, were visiting some relatives. Ed would have to sleep alone in his room.

         Aurora took her son by his hand and went to the room. She opened the window and showed Ed the starry night:

         - My son, can you see the sky?

         - Yes, there a lot of shining stars out there! - The boy replied, delighted.

         - If you look at the sky tomorrow morning, will you see them?

         - No, mom, the stars appear only at night.

         - Well, my son, but they will be there. The sunlight only prevents us to see them.

         We are never alone. Even if we can’t see, we have Spiritual Protectors who assist us in the name of God's love. If we feel weak, let’s pray. Let’s think of the protection of our Father, to better sense his support. We will then feel encouraged to do what we need.

         - But, mother, what about the dark?

         - Ed, all that exists with the lights on, remains when we switch it off. There are no things that ‘come to life’ in the dark just because it's dark. Don’t forget the use of prayer to combat fear...

         Ed thought and thought ... He once again looked at the starry sky. He imagined that we can also have a star on our hearts to enlighten us. This star is always shining. It’s the trust we have in God and Jesus, who gives us courage to live and fulfil our duties without fear, facing challenges with security.

         Do you think Ed managed to sleep alone that night?

Source: Spiritist Education Department - Aliança Municipal Espírita de Juiz de Fora/MG

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies