In defence of LIFE

Say No To Abortion

         Opening Prayer

         First: please highlight to the children this will be an extremely important lesson and that it is necessary for them to pay attention. Please say that, if they have any questions, they should ask them straight away. Please mention, for some of them, this might be the first time they hear about this topic.

         Second: please ask them kindly if they know how babies are born and where they come from. Please listen carefully to all their responses and answer any questions that they might have.

         In our class the children responded:

          Babies are born from the mother’s womb;

          Through the sexual intercourse between a man and a woman.

         The spiritist teacher can add saying they were all right. A man and a woman have sex at a certain period of time and, nine months later, the baby is born.

         Third: please tell the children one of the following stories.

         História 1: DO NOT MURDER -

         História 2: ABORTO NÃO REALIZADO -

         História 3: In defence of LIFE.

         Fourth: please make comments about the story to the children:

          The baby who is growing in the womb of the woman is a living being;

          To abort the life, which is human in nature, is to kill that which is human in nature; it’s a crime. Therefore, abortion is killing a life which is human by nature.

          If a family realizes they are not able to raise the baby that is about to be born, they can give the child for adoption. There are many families who are waiting to adopt a child.

          Please remember the 5th of the Ten Commandments which were received by Moses at Mount Sinai: DO NOT MURDER. This is related to the respect we need to have for life. Every transgression of the law of God is a crime.

         Fifth: we have developed a powerpoint presentation with the Pregnancy Week-by-Week. We have also included some interesting news we believe are necessary to warn everyone there is life since the conception.

         Presentation which we used to talk about this topic.

         Explanations in regards to the fecundation process which are related to PowerPoint Vida 2.

         Images of Samuel Alexandre Armas, grasping the finger of a surgeon performing a prenatal operation.

         Newspaper article 'Without brain, but not without a soul'.

         Resources for the Spiritist Teacher:

         In defence of Life, adapted from the websites and - Objections Answered.

         Marcela: RIE (Revista Internacional de Espiritismo), from July 2007.

         Marcela: RIE (Revista Internacional de Espiritismo), from September 2008.

         Sixth: please comment:

          There is a law being voted at present in the Congress. They are trying to legalise abortion in the country, but Spiritism is campaigning against it. We should tell everyone abortion is a crime, since it’s against the laws of God as there is life since the moment of conception.

          Please see questions 344, 358 and 880 from The Spirits' Book. You could ask the children to attach it to their notebooks and make any relevant notes in regards to these answers.

          The material life is necessary for the improvement and progress of the Spirit. Please see question 196 from The Spirits' Book.

          We should not judge people who make mistakes, like the ones who decided to do an abortion. Everyone has an opportunity to redeem their wrong choices. Whoever has decided to go for an abortion, could decide to take volunteer work to help children with material and emotional needs, for example. We can help by raising their awareness on the truth and giving them opportunities to work with Jesus.

          How can we take part in this Campaign to defend life? We can help make people aware that abortion is a crime, and we are responsible for our acts. Therefore, there is time to make a difference, and fix the damages we made in the past.

         Seventh - activity: please encourage the children to build up a panel with pictures of children and phrases against abortion and defending life. Please mention there is a strong campaign against with the Spiritist Movement.

         Click here to see the panels we created with the children.

         Closing Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: 2nd (9 to 10 years old) and 3rd cycles (11 to 12 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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