One day, a doctor was having quite a full on day. He had already seen many patients when suddenly a young woman came into his consulting room carrying a beautiful baby in her arms.

         As soon as the doctor asked the mother how he could help her, she started to talk to him anxiously and nervously: “doctor, I need your help to solve a serious problem I have got….

         My son is only one year old and I have now found out I am pregnant again!

         I can’t have another child now. It’s too early for me. I need to have a break between one child and another one.”

         The doctor kindly asked her: “and how can I help?”

         The woman, who was hoping to get a positive answer, replied: “I want to terminate this pregnancy now and I count on you to help me.”

         The doctor looked at her carefully, as if searching for an inspiration to get a good solution for this case. He then said, after a few minutes: “I have got a much better alternative for your case. This will solve your problem and offer no risk for you, ma’am.”

         The woman attentively listed to his suggestion: “Because you don’t want two babies just now, why don’t we just kill the one you are holding at the moment? This will let the other be born, with no issues for you. Since killing is not a problem for you, there should be no difference between this baby and the other one. It’s easier and cheaper to sacrifice the baby that has already been born; plus you will not suffer any risk. What do you say?”

         The woman was terrified.

         “No, doctor! This is horrible! It’s a crime to kill a child!”

         The doctor, who was conscious of his duty, used more arguments and convinced the young mother to keep the child. He was able to explain to her there is no difference between killing a grown child or one that is in the mother’s womb.

         “Do not murder!”

         This is one of the Ten Commandments which were received by Moses at Mount Sinai about 1.500 years before Christ.

         The right to live is a Divine law, but the human being wants to overcome the Creator by setting up laws that allow this type of crime. Abortion is a crime in the eyes of God, since it goes against the laws that rule life.

         Even if the majority of the world population say they are spiritualists, they are still committing this horrible crime against an innocent victim. Unless the life of the mother would be endangered by the birth of the child, it is a crime to sacrifice the child.

         As the doctor said to the mother, there is no difference between killing a grown child or one that is in the mother’s womb. We have nowadays Family planning programmes where the planning of when to have children, the use of birth control and other techniques to implement such plans are available.

         Abortion is not compatible with our civilization. It is definitely not compatible with a civilization where the majority of the population say they are spiritualists, who admit the existence of a soul. It is time to think about this.

         Every transgression of the law of God is a crime. The mother, or any other, who takes the life of an unborn child, is necessarily criminal; for, by so doing, a soul is prevented from undergoing the trial of which the body thus destroyed was to have been the instrument.

         If this was an evolved spirit, he can forgive the ones who murdered him; but those who were supposed to spend this existence learning with this spirit will miss out a good soul who was coming to Earth to help them. On the other hand, if this spirit is unhappy with his murderer’s decisions, he could persecute them and seek revenge.

         This is the reason why some women who decide to seek abortion end up having mental or physical health problems; even sometimes going insane. It is normally through dreams that the spirits seek revenge, as they see their victim face-to-face.

         This is the reason why we need to keep in mind the Divine Commandment: “DO NOT KILL!”

         If you by any chance committed a crime, repair this damage. Pray to God sincerely. Ask His mercy and do something in favour of life.

         If you had an abortion, you can dedicate some of your time to orphan children. Give them your love and kindness; your affection and friendly lap. Hence, Deus doesn’t seek the death of the impious man, but the elimination of cruelty from within us.

         Please think about this and remember: kill, never!

From team of Momento Espírita; based on real facts.

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies