Laura remembered her pregnancy came at the wrong time…. She had health problems, family issues to sort out, no job….

         Her first impulse was to have an abortion. She took a few potions which, in turn, made her feel more ill. Once she recovered, she decided to go to an abortion clinic. She wanted to get medications and/or surgical procedure to induce abortion. Fortunately, on that day, the doctor was not able to come into the clinic as he was off sick.

         Laura came back home; lots of thoughts were going through her head…. She went to sleep at night but it took her a while to do it, as she was feeling quite anxious. She then had a dream where she saw a young man asking her something, which she was not able to remember on the next morning.

         She wasn’t able to forget that image from mind. She even forgot she was pregnant completely... On the following evening she dreamed with the same young man. She woke up and had a pleasant feeling from the dream. She felt as if someone was saying “Thank you” to her.

         Laura decides to keep the baby. She faced all challenges and came out felling much stronger…. It’s been 23 years since this happened. Laura is now listening to her son’s graduation speech. She was feeling quite emotional, especially when he said:

         ...I want to thank specially my mother who fed my body and my spirit. She gave me not only food, but love, kindness, friendship and especially my life.

         He then looked at her in her eyes, and said:

         “Thank you!”

         Laura had no doubts about the dreams she had 23 years ago. It was the same sweet and king Thank you she got out of her dreams…

         Nature has endowed the mother with the love of her offspring in order to ensure their preservation. The mother, or any other, who takes the life of an unborn child, is necessarily criminal; for, by so doing, a soul is prevented from undergoing the trial of which the body thus destroyed was to have been the instrument. God has entrusted her with a baby; if she denies this opportunity she will deny herself a great opportunity. God gave the baby to this family because they should be willing to love and care for him regardless of his condition. Children are beings sent by God into new existences, and, in order that they may not be able to reproach Him with having been unduly severe to them, He gives them all the external appearances of innocence.

         If the woman decides to terminate this pregnancy, she ill loose the opportunity to be in contact with a spirit who wants to progress; wants a chance of reincarnation so that they can together overcome difficulties and strengthen their friendship and love.

         If you are going through Laura’s situation, read the text again and think for a moment. Follow her example and allow yourself to become a mother. You will see for yourself the look of that little child thanking you for a chance to live; a chance to have a place in the world. Give yourself the happiness of having a precious treasure in Earth: the fragile arms of a child who ill say to you kindly:

         Thank you mom for letting me live and grow up; letting me be part of this world that is denied to so many other sons of God.

* * * * * *

         We will all need to be born again one day...

         If we keep denying the opportunity of reincarnation to the spirits who we are compromised with, we might be denied our chance to have a mother or a father, in the future. Childhood is not only useful, necessary, indispensable, but that it is, moreover, the natural result of the laws which God has established, and which govern the universe. God's ways are always for the best.

         Let’s think about it!

Extracted from Momento Espírita, based in a story published by Jornal Caridade, May/June 1997

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies