Initial Prayer
First: The children are supposed to figure out who the main character of the lesson is via an activity.
[Click here and follow the instructions]
Second: Tell the story of Jesus by showing pictures to illustrate different events.
[Image 1: Jesus Birth]
Mary was a very kind young lady. She married Joseph, a carpenter from Nazareth. One day, she was informed by the spiritual world that she would give birth to a baby boy; his name would be Jesus. When Mary was at an advanced stage in her pregnancy, she and her husband had to travel from Nazareth to Judea because Cesar Augusto had declared the census and everyone needed to present themselves at the family’s original town (based on the father). Since Joseph had been born in Belem (Judea), they had no choice but to head there, according to law. When they got there, Mary felt it was time to give birth. Joseph and Mary tried to find a hotel, but they were all fully booked. The only available place for them was a horse stable. It was there that Mary gave birth to baby boy Jesus.
[Image 2: Mary his mother]
Mary, Jesus’ mother, worked with sewing. Besides sewing, she did the home duties and cooked for the family. Jesus helped his mother by carrying wood and water. He always answered to his mother’s requests.
[Image 3: Jesus helping his father]
Joseph, Jesus’ father, worked as a carpenter. Jesus liked to help his father and when he grew up he became a carpenter himself (someone who makes wooden furniture).
[Image 4: Jesus in the temple]
One day, Joseph and Mary were at the temple and, after a moment of distraction, they could not find Jesus. They searched around and found him talking to the doctors of the law. They were listening to Jesus and questioning the boy. Everyone who listened to him would feel quite surprise by his intelligence and the answers he would give to their questions. Jesus was 12 years old by the time and he was already beginning his great mission on Earth.
[Image 5: Jesus being baptised by John]
The water baptism was a symbolic act in which the person publicly demonstrated her/his regrets and his/her will to correct the past mistakes, thus become free from the sins. At that time, the baptism was performed in an adult person, through the immersion in water – diving into a river. Considering that Jesus was known for his pure practices, John did not want to baptize him. He said:
- It is me who needs to be baptized by you. Can you do it?
- Let’s do it for now, because we should follow the laws – replied Jesus.
- The laws to which Jesus referred to were the formal practices established by Moses and the prophets, which the Jews considered as laws. Amongst other announcements about the messiah, Izaias prophesised the following (chap 11 v. 2):
- Let it rest upon him the spirit of master, wisdom, intelligence, advice, fortress, knowledge and fear from God.
This announcement turned into reality when Jesus went out of the water, after been baptized by John, and set on the margins of the river to pray. It was then that John could see heaven (spiritually), when he saw a good spirit sent by God descending towards him like a dove. In the meantime, a voice from heaven told him: This is my beloved son. This was the spiritual sign that John, the Baptist, was seeking to get to know Jesus. From then onwards, John always showed strong respect to Jesus.
Jesus went to entire Galilean, teaching on the synagogues, preparing the gospel of the kingdom and curing the misfortunes of the people. He spoke of love, forgiveness, charity, peace and humility. His reputation spread through many regions and he was always accompanied by lots of people. The facts that most proved Jesus’ power were his cures. He wanted to show us that the true power comes through the practice of good deeds. His objective was to be helpful, but never to serve the curiosity of the indifferent souls through his extraordinary acts.
[Image 6: The soldiers arresting Jesus]
The sacerdotal were very surprised by the power of Jesus over the crowds and they gathered for a meeting at the home of one of them (Caifas) because they fear they could lose their prestigious status. There they planned the death of Jesus. They offered Judas, one of his disciples, thirty silver coins in order for him to take Jesus to the temple.
When the soldier arrived to arrest Jesus, Peter attempted to defend Jesus by pointing out his sword, but the master told him: “"Put your sword back into its place; for all those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword.” (Mathew 26.52)
At any moment did Jesus allow any form of violence. He accompanied the guards very calmly, saying to his disciples that everything would happen according to the Holy Scriptures. Jesus was condemned to crucifixion, but never ran away. He gave testimony of his courage to teach the truth until his last moments on Earth.
[Image 7: The crucifixion of Jesus]
Jesus was taken from Caifas’ home to Pilatos’ home (roman governor), as if he was a wrong-doer. The Jews did not want to kill Jesus because they were celebrating Eastern at the time, so they had to take him directly to Pilatos who would order his death.
After making many questions, Pilatos told the Jews that Jesus had not committed any crime, and therefore asked if he should set Jesus free. However, the people did not agree and Pilatos then ordered for the soldiers to lash Jesus. After several tortures, Pilatos showed him to the Jesus, and again told he had not committed any crime. But the Jews replied that he should die because he affirmed he was the son of God. It was then that Pilatos handed him over to be crucified.
Jesus carried his own cross until a place named Golgotha, where he was crucified among two thieves. Close to the cross were Mary (his mother), Mary of Cleofas, Mary of Magdalene and John.
[Image 8: Jesus appear in spirit]
After the death of his body, Jesus appeared in spirit to his apostles and friends, remaining with them for some days. With this he proved that the spirit never dies and that life continues, in the spiritual world, after the death of the body.
Third: The children can colour the pictures distributed by the teacher in a small size. They can glue one next to the other by building a small cinema with a pot of butter or something alike. The pictures can also be distributed in their regular size in order for them to put together as a cartoon story.
They should tell the story to their family at home.
Closing Prayer
[Tips for the lessons about Jesus’ life]
Suggested Material suitable for: second cycle (9 to 10 years old).
Translation: Paula Melo, London, BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.