Joanna de Ângelis

         Opening Prayer

         First: please ask the children if they ever heard about Divaldo Pereira Franco. Please mention that he is a prominent Spiritist speaker and medium. He is a seeing medium (please ask the children the meaning of this term - “Seeing mediums are those who are endowed with the faculty of seeing spirits. There are some who possess this faculty in their normal state, when they are perfectly awake, and who preserve an exact recollection of what they have seen. We may place in the category of seeing mediums all persons endowed with second-sight.”). His visions are so clear he could even mix together incarnate from disincarnate spirits.

         Divaldo was only 22 years old when he wrote through psychography - also known as automatic writing – for the first time (please ask them what the meaning of the term psychography). He felt a lot of pain on his right arm when he was at a friend’s house. This friend advised him to get a piece of paper, a pen and pray. Since that time, Divaldo writes through psychography everyday at specific times; under the supervision of his spiritual mentor (please ask the children what is the meaning of this term). Please also ask the children who is Divaldo’s mentor: Joanna de Ângelis.

         Spiritual Mentor: Incarnate or disincarnate spirit who attach themselves to a particular individual, in order to protect, guide and help him. You could also call this person the spirit-brother; or spirit-protector. Our spirit-protector is obliged to watch over us, because he has accepted that task; but a spirit is allowed to choose his ward among the beings that are sympathetic to him.

         Second: please tell the children how Divaldo Franco became aware of who his spiritual mentor was.

         Third: please tell the children about some Joanna de Angelis previous incarnations. We are only aware of just four of her incarnations where it can be seen her heroism, humbleness and modesty. She is a role model for us to follow:

          Joanna of Chuza, at the time of Jesus Christ;

          She was incarnated in Italy as well at the time of Francis of Assisi unknown name;

          Sóror Juana Inés de La Cruz, Mexico 17th century;

          Joana Angélica de Jesus, Brazil 19th century;

         Fourth: dplease highlight Joanna de Ângelis’ participation with the Codification of the Spiritist Doctrine. If the spiritist teacher thinks it’s relevant, please read an extract of one of the messages to the children. You could also distribute it so they can glue it to their notebook.

         Very few people know that Joanna de Ângelis was part of the team Spirit of the Truth when the Spiritist Doctrine was being implemented in the material plane. Joanna makes a reference to this task on the last message of the book "After the Storm”:

         "When the days of the Spiritist Codification were approaching, when workers willing to fight were being called, when the predicted times were being announced, when were gathered sowers for Earth, we heard the celestial invite and rushed to offer our insignificant strength. We wanted to labor as a servant, as the plow of the soil where the seeds of Gospel should fall into."    Source:

         After the great compilation and organization done by Allan Kardec, two more messages were received and included at The Gospel According to Spiritism from Joanna de Ângelis. The were signed by "A Friendly Spirit:

         Chapter IX, item 7, entitled "Patience", psychographed in Havre, 1862;

         Chapter XVIII, items 13 and 15, entitled "To those who have will be given more", psychographed in Bordeaux, also in 1862.

         Fifth: please distribute one quote from Joanna de Ângelis to each child. Please ask them to interpret it in pairs, in accordance with our day-to-day life. You can now ask them to read and explain it to the entire class.

         Quotes from Joanna de Ângelis:

          "Love is a permanent light in the brain and continuous peace in the heart.”

          "The essential; the basic for a healthy life is made of small volume materials."

          "The art of listening is also the science of help."

          "Joy is the presence of God in the heart of the human being."

          "You will only come across things that will enable you to conquer the perpetual good."

          "When you feel you are about to cease a moralizing action, pray and continue until the end of the task."

          "Flowers are God’s signature in the landscape."

          "Jesus’ Gospel is an inexhaustible source of happiness and emotional satisfaction; self-realization and joy."

         Sixth: please ask the children to find our some of the books which were written by Joanna de Angelis, through Divaldo Pereira Franco. You can write the names down in small pieces of paper and hide them before the class starts. The children should look for them, read it out load to the entire class and glue it to their notebook.

         Click here to find a list of books published by Joanna de Ângelis

         Seventh: please read one of the messages received through the medium Divaldo Pereira Franco; from his spiritual mentor Joanna de Ângelis.

         Clique aqui to access a PowerPoint from Divaldo Franco/Joanna de Ângelis.

         Closing Prayer

         Class Suggested being suitable for: 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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