Joana Angélica de Jesus

         On December 11, 1761 she was reborn in Brazil, in the city of Salvador. This was 66 years after the returned to the spiritual world. Again she was baptized as Joanna and again she opted for the religious life as a nun, under the name of Joanna Angelica de Jesus (Her signature shows the word Jesus always in capitals).

         She died on February 20, 1822. Brazilians were at the time fighting for the independence of their country from Portugal. When soldiers attempted to invade her convent in Salvador --- she was the Abbess --- Soror Joanna Angelica barred the entrance with her frail body. She was killed on the spot, by a soldier's bayonet.

         When she was 21 years of age, she entered into the Convent of Lapa, as a Franciscan. She changed her name to Sóror Joana Angélica de Jesus. She was a nun, a clerk and a vicar at the Convent. In 1815 she became the Abbess of the Convent of Lapa, in Salvador, Brazil. On the 20th February 1822 she was murdered by soldiers that opposed the Brazilian independence when she courageously defended the honor of the young religious women she tutored.

         This life in Brazil was already planned in the spiritual world from the time she reincarnated in Mexico as Sóror Juana Inés de La Cruz. That’s where her ability to learn Portuguese came from, as well as her interest for the opinion of the Priest Antônio Vieira. In Brazil there were spirits connected to her who were already reincarnated; others would reincarnate shortly. These are spirits who are committed with the Divine Law; they are part of her spiritual family. She wants to help them progress too.

         Amélia Rodrigues is one of the spirits who are linked to Joanna de Ângelis. She was an educator, poet and writer who lived from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century.

Source: "A Veneranda Joanna de Ângelis", from Celeste Santos and Divaldo Pereira Franco, Edited by LEAL.

         Soror: way nuns were treated.