One day in 1956 Divaldo was feeling quite sad and decided to seek refuge to pray. "A Friendly Spirit" appeared to him and asked:

         - What is the reason for your suffering?

         He opened his heart and mentioned all the pain that was diminishing him.

         - What is your biggest grief? – The spirit asked.

         - Not knowing the name of my guide.

         - Divaldo, I am not your guide. As I have always told you, I am "a friendly spirit". I now ask you, what is more important: to have a friendly spirit or to know the name of someone who is not your friend?

         - To have a friendly spirit, but I wanted to have both. Since you are a spirit, please tell me your name!

         - You want a name. Oh well, on my last reincarnation I lived in a feminine body.

         - What is your name?

         - You can call me Joanna.

         Divaldo was not happy with this revelation. He was not hoping for a feminine spirit. The name Joanna was also very common. Perhaps he was dreaming with a robust genie from Aladdin’s lamp to be his guide, who would have an ostentatious name; always available to attend his wishes...

         Joanna noticed his disappointment and asked:

         - Don’t you like my name?

         - Of, yes I do Madam. Therefore, I wanted a more sonorous name...

         - You can call me Joanna de Ângelis.

         - Is this your name or is it a pseudonym?

         - You wanted a name; here it is.

         Divaldo was then able to see and listen to her every day. She would always appear dressed as a nun. Every morning she would write a short message through Divaldo.

         She revealed herself to be as a mother to him, kind and dedicated.

         One day she said to him: "You will now collect everything we wrote together up until here and burn. This material was nothing but a mere exercise. If Jesus allows, we will write again". Divaldo burned every message he kept inside his chest box, including a children’s story.

         Joanna de Ângelis came back to write more through Divaldo; this time she showed profound wisdom. In 1964 Joanna de Ângelis selected several messages written by her and assembled them together to launch their first book: "Messe de Amor" (translated into English: Harvest of Love). This was the first book psychograhed by Divaldo.

         Joanna has written more than 60 books through Divaldo Franco since, bringing us precious teachings of peace and wisdom.

Source: "A Veneranda Joanna de Ângelis", from Celeste Santos and Divaldo Pereira Franco, Edited by LEAL.