Jesus – He who has Jesus in his heart is never alone!
(This lesson can be used as the first lesson of the year)

         Opening prayer

         First:Each Spiritist teacher introduces him/herself and says something about his/her life. Ex.: I have been teaching Spiritism for children and youth for 15 years, I am married and have two children.

         Second: The children will now introduce themselves saying their name and age.

         Third: Ask if they know where they are. Say the name of the Spiritist centre; mention they are in a Spiritist class and explain that Spiritism is a religion. Ask them who has attended Spiritist lessons on the previous year; whether they liked or didn’t like coming here.

         Fourth: Continue the conversation with the children. Ask them what is studied at a Spiritist class. Listen to their answers. Make sure you add the topics that will be studied during the year (prayer, physical body, Spirit, love for the neighbour, love for the animals and plants, charity, the 10 commandments, guardian angel, hygiene, family, forgiveness, honesty, reincarnation (does anyone know what it means to be reincarnated? It means to die and to be reborn in a new body, as a baby), magic words (does anyone know any?), Allan Kardec (who organized the teachings of the Spirits in books), God (our Father, our Creator), Jesus (our brother, stories/parables, miracles, the apostles). The Spiritist teacher must cite the items that he/she feels are most important for the children to understand, however Jesus and his teachings should be highlighted.

         Fifth: Ask the children if they know what the word virtue means. Virtues are qualities (good things) that we should strive for achieving or have already achieved, in regards to our attitudes, thoughts and feelings. Bring a list of some examples to class, such as: faith, love, hope, patience, forgiveness, friendship, charity, kindness, honesty, affection, joy, peace, trust, humility, respect, calmness, courage, perseverance. Virtues are our achievements as an immortal Spirit through good work, positive thoughts and good attitudes.

         Obs.:the Spiritist teacher should explain the meaning of virtues that they don’t know the meaning and read with them, citing examples.

         Sixth: Distribute a heart made out from coloured craft paper and ask the children to write their names and a virtue from the list that drew most attention of their attention.

         The Spiritist teacher should bring a poster to class for it to be completed with the children. It should have the following sentence written: He who has Jesus in his heart is never alone. Please also make sure there’s a picture of Jesus glued at the centre of the poster. Explain that we will make a poster especially for our class, paste the poster on the wall and invite them to glue their hearts into it, saying the name of virtue they chose from the list. The Spiritist teachers should also create their own hearts and paste it on the poster.

         Click here to see our panels.

         Seventh: Ask them if they agree with the sentence on the panel – ask someone to read it. (He who has Jesus in his heart is never alone).

         Eighth: Tell them the story called He who has Jesus in his heart..., from the writer Cláudia Schmidt. Highlight that this story was based on a real fact; something that actually did happen.

         Note: the story may be adjusted according to the age and maturity of the class.

         Click here to see the adjustment we made for class.

         Ninth: Invite them to develop the virtue that they wrote on their heart during the coming year. Those who love, will want to love more; he who has faith, will have more faith; he who is cheerful, will be even more cheerful ... Those who still haven’t developed the virtue they have selected will strive to develop it.

         Question the children how they think that the Spiritist education classes can help them to develop virtues. Some examples would be by coming to the classes, paying attention, respecting peers and Spiritist teachers, by asking questions, collaborating with the work; by waiting for their turn to speak.

         Tenth: deliver a candy with a welcome note on it.

         Click here to find a suggestion that could be used.

         Closing prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: 1st (7 to 8 years old) and 2nd cycles (9 to 10 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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