He who has Jesus in his heart...

         Sabrina was a young man who attended Spiritist education classes in the Spiritist Group her family attended for years. She never missed one class. She was an attentive and inquisitive student.

         Despite her young age, Sabrina tried to put into practice the teachings of Jesus. However, after some time her family moved to another city, which was a very small town. She had to leave the Spiritist classes; in her new home there was only one Spiritist Centre where there wasn’t - still – any Spiritist education classes for her age.

         Sabrina went through very difficult situations in the following years: her sister’s illness, abandonment, the loss of loved ones... She used to pray all the time, but missed the meetings where she learned so many important things; there she had friends and the affection of the Spiritist teachers.

         When Sabrina returned as an adult to the Spiritist centre, she reported that there was something that kept her going at all times: the memory of a lesson received from a Spiritist teacher. She said:

         - The Spiritist teacher used to say: "He who has Jesus in his heart is never alone!" I always felt supported and aided by the Master with that thought in mind. I managed to face the moments of pain I went through with courage and resignation.

         Jesus, our model and guide, governor of our planet, is always with us. Christ never leaves us alone ... We must move, feeling strong, courageous and confident with this assurance in our minds and hearts.


         We can be sure that if we ever feel stranded, alone; we are never really alone! Jesus is our friend, our companion on the journey. Let’s also remember the loving presence of the good Spirits, inviting us to renew and balance. They are our anonymous friends, invisible to fleshly eyes, but always present. We will feel stronger when we are faced with difficulties; the challenges that present themselves in our way towards progress, keeping faith in God’s wisdom and justice. Let the Spiritist teachings that illuminates our souls enlighten us through being faithful, loving and loyal to God in every situation of our lives.

         Narrative based on a real fact.

Claudia Schmidt