He who has Jesus in his heart is never alone!
(adapted version)

         Sabrina was a young man who attended Spiritist education classes in the Spiritist Group her family attended for years. She never missed one class. She was an attentive and inquisitive student. She loved asking many questions in order to get to know more about Spiritism and Jesus’ teachings.

         Sabrina was 8 years old and tried to put into practice everything she learned in class. She loved the Spiritist education classes, especially those that talked about Jesus; she discovered that Jesus was a great friend of all children!

         However, after some time her family moved to another city, which was a very small town. She had to leave the Spiritist classes. In her new home town there was only one Spiritist Centre where there wasn’t - still – any Spiritist education classes for her ages.

         Sabrina went through very difficult situations in the following years: her younger sister got ill, her father passed away, her mom had to work outside her home in order to support her family... She learned to look after the house and her younger sister who was still a very small child.

         She used to pray all the time, because she learned at the spiritist education classes that a prayer brings us closer to Jesus and our guardian angel. However, she missed the Spiritist education meetings where she learned so many important things; there she had friends and the affection of the Spiritist teachers.

         Time went by… Sabrina moved to another city alongside her mother and sister, who fully regained her health. Sabrina grew up, got married, graduated and started working in a company. She now had the opportunity to return to the Spiritist studies in this city where she was living with her family. (Did you know that we also participate in studies about Spiritism? We can always learn about Spiritism. When you become teenagers, you go to a youth group; then to an adult study group – please mention the days when the Spiritist teachers study at the centre).

         In one of these meetings at the Spiritist centre Sabrina she reported that there was something that kept her going at all times, especially during childhood when her dad passed away. Do you have any idea what it could have been? It was something she learned from a Spiritist teacher at a Spiritist class.

         And Sabrina told her friends from her study group:

         The Spiritist teacher used to say: "He who has Jesus in his heart is never alone!" I always felt supported and aided by the Master Jesus with that thought in mind. I managed to face the moments of pain I went through with courage and resignation. Jesus, our companion and friend, is always with us. Christ never leaves us alone ... We must move, with this assurance, feeling strong, courageous and confident.


         We can be sure that: He who has Jesus in his heart is never alone! Jesus is our friend, our companion on the journey. He is always with us when we feel alone, scared, in pain, with some difficulty. We should always pray; give thanks for nature, for the animals, for our family, for our friends, for when we overcome a difficulty, for the good times we have had.