Formation of the worlds II

         Lesson objectives: lead the children to understand that the universe comprises the infinity of worlds, both of those we see and those we do not see all animate and inanimate beings all the stars that revolve in space, and all fluids with which space is filled.

         Reasoning tells us the universe cannot have made itself; and if it had existed from all eternity, like God, it could not be the work of God.

         It must be the work of God. We are passing through this world to evolve. The universe is not eternal or unchanging, rather it is constantly changing. Many things that happen are the result of human action, who received intelligence to do so.

         Greetings and Opening Prayer

         Survey their knowledge:

         * Who created the universe?

         * Has God created the universe?

         * Interpret the phrase spoken by Jesus: "In my Father's house there are many mansions." The dwellings (houses) are the planets, the Father's house is the Universe; God is ours and Jesus’ Father.

         First: explain, according to the Spiritist Teachings, how the formation of worlds happened.

         Click here to see text suggestions.

         Second: ask questions, assisting in coming to conclusions.

         Third: questions about the theme of the lesson so that it starts a dialogue.

         Click here to see suggestions.

         Fourth: ask the children to seek for phrases in the classroom (without the numeric sequence) and some figures that reflect the phrases (phrases and figures should be separate) so they organize a text. Each one will need to explain the contents of their sentences. (The spiritist teacher must have hidden phrases and figures on the tables and chairs before the arrival of the children).

         Suggested phrases:

         01 - Planet Earth.

         02 - The Earth was a huge ball of fire.

         03 - When cooled, a layer of gases was formed: the atmosphere.

         04 - The steam condensed and it rained.

         05 - The seas were warm and there were many rivers.

         06 - Substance banded together and formed cells.

         07 - Cells transformed and formed living things.

         Fifth - activity: organize a poster with phrases; represent them with the figures found; call it/title Planet Earth.

         Resources for the Spiritist Teacher: Genesis Chapter VII and Chapter XII.

         Closing prayer

         Suggested Class suitable for: 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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