01 - What needed to happen for us to be here today, reincarnated? The formation of the Worlds.

         02 - God created the universe composed of two elements. What are they? Spirit and Matter.

         03 - Where do the spirits live?

         04 - What is the need for the formation of the Worlds? God in his great wisdom, created simple and ignorant spirits. He knew about the need of the formation of the Worlds so through its evolution and through the possible incarnations in these worlds, we could evolve morally and intellectually to achieve spiritual fulfilment.

         05 - Did God create an entire universe (stars, planets ...) and privileged only planet Earth with life? God creates nothing in vain.

         06 - We know that God's laws are immutable. Are the worlds created by God, eternal and immutable as well? Justify your answer. No; they live in constant mutation. Everything tends to evolve, to reach perfection.

         07 - How did the emergence of the human species happen? The physical body of human beings evolved from a single "trunk" of monkeys, as proven science. This evolution of the material body occurred in various parts of the planet at different times, which explains the variety of existing breeds.

         08 - What is the understanding, according to the Spiritist Teachings, of the theory that God created the world in six days? The six days of creation, mentioned in the Old Testament, are eras; periods of thousands of years.

         09 – Did Adam and Eve really exist? Adam and Eve are legendary figures, who represent a group of morally backward spirits that reincarnated on Earth to evolve spiritually.

         10 - How do you explain the fact narrated in the Bible that says God expelled Adam and Eve from paradise because they disobeyed him by eating the forbidden fruit? The expulsion from paradise marks the time when these spirits came incarnate among the inhabitants of Earth. Before they lived in a blissful world, and have not followed the evolution of their world, they had to incarnate on Earth to evolve spiritually and help the Earth population with their intelligence. (See more in book ‘Exilados de Capela', Edgard Armond, edited by Aliança).

         11 – Are the claims of the Bible wrong? No. We must not interpret it as read. Many explanations are allegorical and should be studied in light of current human knowledge.

         12 - Explain the following sentence: We are in this world passing by, to evolve through successive reincarnations, until we attain perfection. "