The Creation

         In The Gospel According to Spiritism, spirits tell us that "Spiritism shows us that this life is nothing more than a link in the magnificent, harmonious assembly which is God's work."

         In The Spirits' Book, Allan Kardec asked an interesting question to the spirits; he asked:

         - How did God create the universe?

         Spirits were very simple and clear in giving the answer:

         - To borrow a well-known expression, by His will. Nothing can give a better idea of the action of that all-powerful will than those grand words of Genesis, "God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light."

         And so, through the condensation of matter spread out in space, the worlds were being formed.

         From this condensation appeared the solar nebula, with a circular motion; thus resulting in the Sun. With the rotation, masses detached from the solar nebula. They started to spin around it, leading thus to the planets, including Earth.

         The Earth in the beginning was in the midst of aqueous vapour and electrical discharges. The solidified crust was formed from the contact with the cold of space.

         Huge storms sweep through the planet's surface, but little by little, the environment gets better and sunlight invaded the earth.

         Hence with time, one could observe the existence of living beings. First, the amoeba and all unicellular organizations appeared. In the deep oceans, the plant and animal kingdom seemed confused, without an individual form.

         Over time the development and maturation of the Earth and its life forms took place: plants sought the sun, the wind was spreading its seeds… Amphibians were developing, reptiles appeared, and the mammals appeared, everything evolving, everything developing, until we get to what we know and what we are today.

Text adapted from the book ‘Prática pedagógica na Evangelização’ by Walter O. Alves, edited by IDE / Araras. .