Spiritual Evolution

         Opening Prayer

         Obs.: in the previous class the children were tasked to make efforts to practice goodness during the week. It was mentioned that it needed to be something that is normally difficult for them, according to the individual challenges that each spirit has to overcome. Examples would be: no gossiping, no responding in a rude matter, respecting teachers and colleagues, no lying, be patient, etc. These are some examples that came across in our class. The accomplishment of this task means we are making efforts to progress; this can be used as an example of spiritual evolution.

         First: please distribute the questions below to the children and ask them to read and think of the appropriate answer.

          Click here to find some suggested questions:

         Second: please explain to the children that each one of them will read one question out loud and answer it, if they know the response. If they answer it correctly, they will get a prize (sweet). If they don’t know the answer, the first colleague on their right will have a chance to answer the question; if the answer is correct then this colleague will get a prize. In case this colleague can’t answer the question either, the spiritist teacher will then open up to other children and give them a chance to try to get it right.

         Comment: based on the resources available here below, the spiritist teacher should be complementing the answers given by the children. Please make sure a dialogue is established, making the children think about the answers. The activity will have reached its objective if all children participate, showing their understanding of this class’ theme.

          Click here to find resources for the spiritist teacher.

         Third: read the article A new opportunity to the children.

         Closing Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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