A new opportunity

         Some time ago in England, Justice established a special programme in which former prisoners would receive a brand new name so they could go to a different city from the one they were living before. They would then get a change to start a new life there.

         The reason why they changed names and city would be to avoid discrimination by the local population but also for them not to be condemned again due to prejudice. A new opportunity would be given to these former prisoners to make the right choices and progress.

         If we make a parallel between this measure adopted by the English authorities and the Divine Justice, we can understand a little bit more about the law of reincarnation.

         God offers us innumerous chances to get it right through reincarnations. We change our physical body, we come back to Earth in a new body, with a new name, but with the knowledge we acquired ever since.

         We take over a new identity, but we don’t loose our previous conquests. The spirit who made mistakes in the past will have a new opportunity to re-establish a relationship with the people he hurt in previous lives, gain the society’s trust and progress.

         Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus, is a good example that proves us this can work.

         The Christian Community still punish him nowadays. He is even burned by them as a Muppet which is designed to represent him; even if his mistake was done over two thousand years ago….

         But this spirit has returned to Earth innumerous times and is now much more evolved. On his last incarnation the same spirit used a new identity and became known worldwide as the brave French warrior Joan of Arc.

         Joan of Arc was a powerful medium who sprung from the labouring class. She had proclaimed an inspired mission, acclaimed by the common people and betrayed or disregarded by the great. She spoke with simple definite phrases, short and strong, clear and concise. Joan’s mission was on the surface warlike, but it really had the effect of ending a century of war, and implementing love and charity. A girl of nineteen, who could neither read nor write, and knew nothing of military affairs, was able in a few months to turn the tide of a hundred years’ war, and to save France from becoming a vassal of England. Her achievement was attributed by herself (and she was the soul of truth) to her voices and her visions. She was able to accomplish her mission in Earth and progress towards perfection.

         Reincarnation is a blessed opportunity each spirit received for his/her own evolution. It is our own duty to make the most of the present incarnation, which is a gift from God for us to learn and progress.

Adapted from the site www.momento.com.br