1 – Have you done what was proposed on the previous class? The task was to do something difficult; something good. This represents that we are all progressing. Please listen to what the children have to say.

         Please ask all the children to give their answer in regards to this question.

         2 - Did we know everything we know nowadays when we were created by God? We were all created simple and ignorant; we gain instruction in the struggles and tribulations of corporeal life. God, being just, could not make some of us happy, without trouble and without exertion, and consequently without merit. (Question 133 from The Spirits' Book)

         3 - What does it mean to progress? To progress means to change for better. Our evolution is a continuous process. We can never retrograde; perhaps we might just remain stationed – if we don’t make the most of this incarnation’s opportunity. Spiritism teaches us reincarnation is a mode through which we have the opportunity to progress.

         4 - Do you think it is very complicated to progress? We progress through simple attitudes, day-by-day. We have our free-will; each of us will need to make the effort to change and become better beings. The good use of freedom and responsibility are proportionate to the degree of spiritual evolution reached. The spiritist teacher could reflect back into the examples given by the children when they answered the first question (their homework from the previous class).

         5 - Are all spirits equal or does there exist among them a hierarchy of ranks? They are of different degrees according to the degree of purification to which they have attained. (Question 96 from The Spirits' Book)

         6 – How many degrees of purification are the spirits split into? The number of such orders is unlimited, because there is nothing like a barrier or line of demarcation between the different degrees of elevation; and, therefore, as there are no fixed or arbitrary divisions among spirits, the number of orders may be increased or diminished according to the point of view from which they are considered. Nevertheless, if we consider the general characteristics of spirits, we may reduce them to three principal orders or degrees: Imperfect spirits, Good spirits and Pure spirits. In accordance with the degrees of purification, spirits could remain inactive or neutral, but they never retrograde. (Question 97 from The Spirits' Book)

         Three main degrees – it can be split into others:

         Pure spirits: We may place in the first or highest rank those who have reached the degree of relative perfection which constitutes what may be called 'pure spirits’. They have passed up through every degree of the scale of progress, and have freed themselves from all the impurities of materiality. Having attained the sum of perfection of which created beings are susceptible, they have no longer to undergo either trials or expiations. They are sometimes spoken of as angels, archangels, or seraphim. This concept has no relation to our guardian angel, who is still an imperfect spirit; perhaps a lit bit more evolved than his/her tutored.

         Good spirits: We may place in the second rank those who have reached the middle of the ascensional ladder, those who have achieved the degree of purification in which aspiration after perfection has become the ruling desire; predominance of spirit over matter; desire of excellence. Their qualities and their power for good are proportionate to the degree at which they have arrived.

         Imperfect spirits: We may place in the third or lowest rank all those imperfect spirits who are still on the lower rungs of the ladder. They are characterised by ignorance, the love of evil, and all the low passions that retard their progress upwards; predominant influence of matter over spirit; propension to evil. Ignorance, pride, selfishness and all the evil passions which result from these.

         7 - Are there any demons in the usual acceptation of that term? Do you believe in demons? It is only in its modern acceptation that the word demon implies the idea of evil spirits, for the Greek work daimôn from which it is derived, signifies genius, intelligence, and is applied indiscriminately to all incorporeal beings, whether good or bad. (Question 131 from The Spirits' Book)
         Demons or devils, according to the common acceptation of these words are supposed to be a class of beings essentially bad. If they exist, they must necessarily be, like everything else, a creation of God but God, who is sovereignly just and good, cannot have created beings predestined to evil by their very nature, and condemned beforehand to eternal misery. If demons existed, they would be the work of God; but would it be just on the part of God to have created beings condemned eternally to evil and to misery? No, God is just.
         They are the Imperfect spirits who rebel against the discipline of trial to which they are subjected, and who, therefore, have to undergo that discipline for a longer period, but who will, nevertheless, reach the goal in time, when they shall have made up their minds to do so.

         8 - What is the greatest obstacle to progress? Pride and selfishness; why is that? It obstructs our ability to recognize we are wrong and we need to change. (Question 785 from The Spirits' Book)

         Selfishness: Attachment to material things is a sign of inferiority, because the more a man cares for the things of this world, the less does he understand his destiny; his disinterestedness, on the contrary, proves that he has arrived at a wider and clearer view of the future.

         Pride: excessive self-love.

         9 – What is the indication that I need to progress; evolve? It is through suffering that the creature decides to change. Every time we make a mistake, it shows we are ready to move forward. The next step is to get it right on the next chances we have. There will be difficulties, but God always gives us another chance. The speed of our progress will depend on each of us. If I make more efforts to become better today, pay close attention to my attitudes, feelings and actions and try to get it right, I will progress quicker towards perfection and happiness.

         10 – Where is Jesus located, in terms of the many degrees of purification? Jesus is a pure spirit; he was created simple and ignorant, just like us. He is the most perfect type that God has offered to man as his guide and model. He became a pure spirit before the formation of ht Earth; he is in charge of governing this planet. (Question 625 from The Spirits' Book).