Gospel at Home Practice

         Opening Prayer

         First: ask the children if they know the book called The Gospel According to Spiritism. Show the book to them and also talk about it

         Second: ask the children if they participate on the Gospel at Home Practice. Please explain how this study happens at home. Talk about magnetized water and irradiations. Explain, step by step, how the ‘Gospel at Home’ Practice happens.

         Third: distribute a text and ask them to read it with their parents during the week. This text should be about the Gospel at Home Practice. Here you will find two options of texts which the spiritist teacher can use for this learning opportunity:

         Click here to find suggested text number 1 – aimed for parents and children.

         Click here to find suggested text number 2 – aimed for parents.

         Fourth: do the ‘Gospel at Home’ Practice with the children. Read a passage from The Gospel According To Spiritism, by Allan Kardec (older children) or a children story with a good moral purpose (younger children). The children can take part on the irradiations saying who they want to wish good things to. Please place a jar of water to be magnetized and then later on drink it together with the children.

         Closing Prayer

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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