Gospel at Home IV

          The Gospel is a book from which we can learn about Jesus, the stories he told and teachings of peace and love he taught us during his existence.
In order to study the Gospel, we can reunite the family and then practice the "Gospel at Home". Designate a place, time and day of the week to have the Study of the Gospel at Home. We should also invite our family to study and exchange ideas together. The recommended time for such meetings is around 20/30 minutes.

We start the ‘Gospel at Home’ practice with a heartfelt prayer   such as The Lord’s Prayer or another simple and spontaneous one. After that, read a passage from The Gospel according to Spiritism which was chosen previously or opened randomly.

  After this passage is read, discuss it and explore the different points of view. Try to understand the teachings by applying it specifically to your own live. Let’s aim to avoid discussions or accusations amongst our family relatives.

  The next step is the “Vibrations". This is the time when we send good thoughts to others. We can send good vibrations to our relatives, to our friends, to ill people and others we think need good thoughts. We can also send good vibrations so that people don’t find, don’t mistreat children and animals. We can also send good vibrations for people to have a job and good health. We then ask the water to be magnetized. We finish our ‘Gospel at Home’ Practice with a short spontaneous prayer.
You can then serve magnetized water to family members who are present at that time. Please maintain these moments of peace; avoid attitudes that go against this practice.


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