Dear Parents or Guardians,

         Your child has learned today about the benefits of the ‘Gospel at Home’ Practice. He/she has been asked to participate actively at the next Gospel at home you will have with your family. We also discussed about the importance of this practice. If you are not too sure how to do this, here are some guidelines:

         * The practice of the Gospel at home creates the beneficial habit of evangelical study within the home itself. The ultimate purpose of these gatherings being to awaken and strengthen sentiments of fellowship in the family and among our friends.

         * Through these moments of peace, which unite us more closely, we are offered a more tranquil existence.

         * By generating superior thoughts and sentiments among the family members, it offers the possibility of spiritually cleansing the home, thus permitting easy access for the influence of God’s messengers throughout the week.

         * After careful thoughts choose a day and time during the week when as many members of the family as possible can be present. This day and time is then kept RIGOROUSLY every week, so assuring constant spiritual assistance.

         * Begin with a short spontaneous prayer. Remember that sentiment and sincerity are essentials. Ask for protection for your study, for the presence of the Spiritual Benefactors and help to assimilate the study.

         * It is useful to place a jug of water on the table during the study and then distributed this water amongst the participants after the closing prayer

         * Follow the opening prayer with a sequential or random reading from The Gospel According To Spiritism, by Allan Kardec. Participants should make brief commentaries about the reading, always seeking the essence of the teachings and applying then to daily life.

         * The meeting will close with a prayer, during which thanks should be offered for the teachings received. Our prayers should include thoughts for our planet, for the varying countries, for hospitals, for particular areas of need that week, any person in need of special help at the moment, world peace, fraternity amongst all men, etc.

         * The meeting should not be suspended because of unexpected visitors, for invitations which may be put off till some other time, or for any futile reason.

         * The meeting should not be less than fifteen minutes and not more than one hour.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Warm Regards,

Teachers XYZ

Spiritist Centre XYZ

“For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20