Guardian angel or Guardian angels

         Greetings and Opening Prayer

         Obs.: the spiritist teacher should deepen the class according to the children’s maturity.

         First: tell the children the story "HELP FROM THE SKIES" (adapted), which is about guardian angels, taken from the site

         Click here to find another story that could be used (received from Gisel Haddad / KSSF Kardecian Study Society of Florida - USA). There are several other options available here: Stories (Drawings).

         Second: talk to the children about these topics.

          Who is our guardian angel? We don’t know his name; we call him Guardian Angel or protector spirit. He belongs to a higher order; that is, this Spirit is a friend more evolved than the incarnate one. He accompanies us from birth to death; often in the spiritual realm after death, or even through many physical existences. He is a disincarnate spirit intended by God to help us and give us good advice in this lifetime.

         Suggestion: read The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec - questions 489 and 492.

          How does it look like? He has the human form; probably his shape will be of the physical body from his last reincarnation. He has no wings because there is no need for it. He might appear to someone who believes that angels have wings with wings (some religions believe this is true), but only to be recognized as a guardian angel.

          How does our guardian angel come in contact with us? He speaks to us through intuition; an inner voice that gives us an idea on the path of righteousness. He can also manifest through the advice of a friend (remember that only a true friend gives advice for goodness), or through consolation received from a classroom colleague or from someone close to us. He can also manifest through reading, stories, among other ways.

         He often communicates with us during the sleep of the physical body. Sometimes he can contact us even through something that looks like it was unexpected, a delay; but is something that happens for our own good. When something goes wrong, we must trust God’s goodness. Let’s not speak evil, complain or rebel. Let’s wait a bit because God always does the best, even if we do not understand at the time. We will later realize that it was also for our own good. The spiritist teacher may cite a true example that is of his/her knowledge and easy to understand by the children.

          When can we communicate with our guardian angel? Through prayer; listen to his voice when he gives us good advice. And when can we pray? We can pray at anytime, anywhere. Our first thought of the day should be for our guardian angel, thanking him for agreeing to assist us in this life and asking for protection, for good advices and help that is needed on that day. The more good things we do, the more we become connected to him; he will be better able to assist us. When we go to sleep, it is also important to ask him to advise us during sleep, and to accompany us wherever we go in spirit during the sleep of the physical body.

          Why do we have a guardian angel? Because of God’s goodness, every incarnate person has someone designated to give him/her good advices. The Guardian Angel will never tell us to fight, to speak evil, to lie, to respond with rudeness, or to harm someone because their advice is always towards goodness, to help us live Jesus’ teachings and evolve morally and spiritually. We must make good use of their advice and be aware of their voice, always thanking for the help received. Remember that the word angel means spiritual being.

         Suggestion: read The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec - questions 495.

         Obs.: we looked for postcards and magazines pictures of people with their guardian angels. Take it for the children to look at these pictures.

         Third - relaxation: encounter with the guardian angel. Explain that visualization is to imagine, seeing with the mind. Remind them this time they should not touch anything (ask for the children to place their materials aside in another place, so that nothing remains on the table). They should place their body in a comfortable position and close their eyes (they should not open their eyes during relaxation). Explain we will lead them through imagination to a beautiful place and they must rely on the spiritist teachers and do their parts, letting themselves be led, so that the activity gives the expected result.

         The spiritist teacher should play a pretty mellow song, orchestrated and in low volume. Read slowly and calmly the relaxation suggested below. The spiritist teacher might gently ask after the visualisation who could see their guardian angel, or who felt a special emotion. Remind them that those who could not, with time and practice (through prayer, good attitudes, preparation for the sleep of the physical body, meditation, and visualization) that contact will become easier and more noticeable.

         Click here to read the visualization exercise.

         Fourth - activity: write down a prayer to your Guardian Angel.

         Obs.: we normally collect these prayers and use them during the year as the opening prayer for our weekly classes.

         Resources for the Spiritist Teacher: The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec, Guardian angels, mentors, and guides – questions 489 a 521. The Gospel according to Spiritism, Chap. 28, To Guardian Angels and Protecting spirits.

         Final Prayer

         Suggested Class suitable for: 2nd (9 to 10 years old) and 3rd cycles (11 to 12 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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