Dear Beloved Friend,

         It is with a lot of happiness that I come to visit you. I am a friend that you cannot see with your physical eyes, but I have known you for a long time…much before than you can imagine.

         Wherever you go, I’m always with you. I am your guardian angel and I’ve protected you even before you were born.

         I saw your first steps and I accompany you in every moment of your life. Even if you are not consciously aware that I am around, I know you feel my presence in your soul.

         Sometimes, we, Guardian Angels, accompany our incarnated friends for many corporal existences.

         During your journey on Earth, many questions went through your thoughts. Do you think I don’t know? How many mistakes and how many hits!

         I would like you to know that through every joy, achievement, doubt, fear, anguish and disappointment, I was and will always be by your side, praying for you and comforting you when necessary.

         I remind you that you are fallible. So when you make a mistake, it is important to learn from the mistake and try to do differently next time.

         As difficult as it seems, every problem has a solution. In these difficult times, you have to fortify your faith and trust in God our Father.

         Act seeking the solutions that are within your grasp, with resignation, without anger. Do your part, remembering to trust your life in the hands of God.

         Do not forget me in these moments of pain, because I never forget you. I am an instrument of the Father Creator and I am here to help you progress.

         My mission is to guide you along the right path, to help you with my advice, to cheer you up and comfort you in your affliction.

         To facilitate my work, never forget to pray and nurture good thoughts. As a spirit guide I can help you through intuition, thoughts and dreams.

         Call me by any name you like and I’ll be there to support you.

         Be sure that I’ll never leave you. Although, through carelessness or weakness, sometimes you don’t listen to me and you surrender to bad influences. When you make mistakes, I feel sad for you.

         I may not be physically close, but my connection with you enables my good thoughts to reach you.

         Make me your best friend and share with me your joys, because when I see that you're happy, I become happy. Your joy is mine too.

         Thank the good and merciful Father for allowing all life on Earth to be accompanied by a spirit protector.

         I pray for you to follow the path of goodness and make the right choices.

         You have your free will and I know that the choices depend on you. I pray to God that the good moral values will serve as a guide in each of the decisions you make.

         Be at peace!

Material received from Gisel Haddad
KSSF Kardecian Study Society of Florida - USA