Divine Love, wisdom and Justice

         Opening prayer

         First: tell the children the story called The Action of God, taken from the site www.momento.com.br.

         Second: comments based on the story:

          Why didn’t money, fame and beauty make Linda happy? What was missing in her life?

          Do you think it was by chance what happened to Linda?

          Do you think that what happened to her can only happen in the church? Is it possible that people are directed towards a Spiritist centre as well?

          Is it possible to find God and the peace of spirit that His presence brings through different religions?

          God’s love, wisdom and justice manifests in different ways; through different religions.

          We often don’t understand the Divine Laws, but the righteousness of God is manifested through the Law of Cause and Effect. Do you know this law? Many apparent injustices are also explained by this law.

          God always knows what’s best for us; His will manifests through His wise and just laws.

          Jesus taught that will be given “to each according to his words” – this is also the law of cause and effect.

          Many difficulties occur because we are in a World of Tests and Atonements. The challenges (difficulties) are evidence of what we have to go through. We chose many of our tests before we reincarnated, in order to evolve.

          Some natural phenomena, such as droughts and floods, may also be the result of the bad use of nature resources by human beings. Preserve the environment by not polluting, by not wasting water, by not throwing trash on the floor, etc. This is everyone’s duty.

          The evidence of God's existence is also evidence of His wisdom. There is no other wisdom that could have created the entire universe.

         Third: ask if someone ever prayed for it to rain or not to rain at one day in time. Make the appropriate comments, based on the text called As God wishes.

         Click here to see the original text called “As God wishes”, taken from www.momento.com.br.

         Fourth - activity: ask the children to think about something good and/or positive they have done lately. It could be related to school, family, group of friends, to the Spiritist centre, etc. Wait a few minutes so that they can reflect upon the query, making any notes they find necessary; what they would like to share with their colleagues.

         Then listen to the attitudes reported by the children, emphasizing that we should cherish our efforts towards good; and that together we can build a better world, from the good thoughts and good attitudes of each one of us.

         Remember, though, we all have/will have tests in this incarnation, but we can ease the difficulties through good deeds, according to the law of cause and effect. This is also a manifestation of God's goodness.

         Fifth: tell the children the story called God knows what He does.

         Sixth: comments related to the story.

         If we do our part, our best, we should calm our hearts, rest easy, because what happens is part of God’s wisdom and kindness towards us; his children.

         Closing prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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