As God wishes

         Has anyone ever prayed for rain? Or have you ever prayed for it not to rain?

         When do you prefer that it rains? Do you prefer it rains during the week? What about during the holidays? Or would you prefer it to rain during the day? Or during the night?

         Some people think it should only rain during the week so they can get out of the house; enjoy the weekend outdoors. Other people think it should only rain during the weekend, because rain hinders their work, such as the work of a postman.

         Desiring it should only rain when it’s good for us is being selfish. We must remember that rain is necessary. If it doesn’t rain from midnight to 6 am, it would not hinder us, but the rain would reach the night guards. It will also hinder the journey of those who are traveling by night...

         God does not answer to our prayers for rain or sun for a specific day. The rain comes in accordance with the weather, the clouds, the season of year.

         The rain, as well as the world, is governed by God’s righteous laws. God doesn’t listen to our selfish requests. Why is that? Because the best thing for the world is God's will; He knows the needs of each of his children.

         Please note that when a flood or a drought happens is because God has allowed it. Therefore, floods and droughts can also be caused by humans when we destroy forests or throw garbage into rivers; the consequence is the imbalance of nature.

         We must understand that God's will is always correct; the most suitable for us at this time.

         This also happens in our life. We often don’t understand why something that seems bad happens to us, but it’s always for our best, because it is God's will and He knows what he does.