As God wishes...

         Sometimes, when black clouds appear in the stormy sky threatening to rain, we look up and say:

         Ah, it should only rain from midnight to six in the morning. The rain would then do its task and wouldn’t hinder any one's life.

         On other days, when there’s been a period of long drought, we eagerly wait for the clouds to appear.

         Paradoxically, if the weekend is approaching and it seems that water will be pouring down very soon, we complain saying:

         Why does it have to be this weekend? Why does the rain need to spoil my leisure time?

         Others, however, say:: Why does it have to rain during the week when I need to go out to study, work? It should only rain on bank holidays.

         All these expressions, which are very common in our daily life, show how selfish we still are.

         We only think about ourselves. When we ask for rain during the night, we forget that night watchmen are standing guard during those hours, walking from one side to another. We will be housed at home. They won’t.

         When we don’t appreciate when it rains during the weekends, we don’t think that the farmer waits anxiously for it, at any time. The life of his farm depends on the rain. The planting would die without the rain; there would be no crop, no grains or leaves.

         Those who appreciate the rain on days that they don’t need to leave their homes forget that many parents are waiting for the weekend to get out with their children.

         They want to go to the park, walk; play football... Many individuals want to go to the beach to unwind after a stressful week of work.

         God, in His supreme wisdom and intelligence, establishes just laws, without paying attention to the requests of a few people.

         He states that the rain will come, when conditions permit. And it comes reaching the ground, filling rivers, the groundwater….

         It reaches the crops, the trees and the grass. It cleans the atmosphere. It cheers nature.

         We find, therefore, that the best for the world is the will of God.

         He distributes the blessings of rain, sun, light winds, the breeze, the big storms…

         Only He, the Father of all of us, knows exactly what each one of His children need.

         And as a great Administrator, he doesn’t pay attention to the whims of one or the other, but acts for what’s more productive in terms of progress for Earth and His children.

         So when the sun is harsh, or is raining continuously for a long period of time, consider: God knows what He does.

         In the world of tests and atonements in which we are located we will still be subject to our vicissitudes for a long time; this is the result of our own improvidence.

         Let’s also remember that we inhabit a planet with over 6 billion people and that we can’t think only just about our needs and desires.

         Let’s get used to it, because in matters whose control escapes from our hands, God's will is the best.

         By His wisdom, for His love, for His knowledge of all things, He knows what should be granted to his children at all time, whom he gave the chance to live, grow and sow.

         Think about it!