The action of God

         Linda was a famous model. She managed to get millionaire work contracts since was very requested and disputed by the fashion industry. Despite having access to a lot of money, fame and beauty, she didn’t feel happy.

         She felt an immense void inside. She suffered from fear, anxiety and insomnia. She thought about taking drugs and mentioned this to her friends: some approved it; some didn’t.

         She decided to seek other therapies. She signed contracts that she had never dreamed of in her life. She worked hard, but still felt tormented inside.

         One day in the morning she was going to work by car, through the usual way she always followed, when the traffic stopped. A guard was diverting all traffic to a narrow alley, due to a plumbing break in the main avenue.

         She passed in front of a church, as she drove slowly through unfamiliar streets. A handwritten poster said: "Without God there is no peace. Get to know God, get to know peace. All welcome".

         She felt awkward and moved on. On the next day the traffic stopped again as she was going through the same old pathway. There was a fire in a shop, which again lead the traffic to be diverted to that same alley.

         "Again!" - Linda thought to herself. And again she passed by the same church… There was the poster hanged, which now seemed appealing to her. She decided to peer inside the church from inside the car.

         On the third day she thought of changing the path, but decided she was being very silly for thinking this. After all, what was the probability that traffic diversion would happen in the same place for three consecutive days?

         "It will be a test," she thought . "If something happens and traffic is diverted, I will know for sure that it’s a sign."

         When she reached the same avenue, there were the police again. "A big accident," said one of the policemen; they were diverting all traffic to that well-known alley...

         "It's too much," said Linda, to herself. She parked the car and entered the church. There was only one priest inside it. He looked up, fixed his eyes on her with a smile on his face and asked:

         "What took you so long to come here?" - He had seen Linda’s car pass during those three days. They talked a lot and as a result, Linda went on to attend that small church.

         She found the peace and serenity that she was looking for. It happened exactly as the poster said. She needed God in her life. And no doubt that God had arranged for her to somehow understand that she needed to return to Him; feed her spirit with faith, hope and love.

* * *

         Divine Providence is always present in our lives. It turns out that we are not always aware to realise and understand.

         Beloved children of the Creator; don’t forget to seek help from this loving and good Father; so that we find our safe haven in Him.

         Many seek Him in churches, temples; others, in the books. Some try to find God in the hearts of others. In fact, there are many ways to find Him, but the real meeting takes place inside our hearts.

Text taken from Momento Espírita (
based on Linda Valentine’s text, from the book Small miracles, and
the introduction of the book Inner Peace by the Spirit Eros,
psychographed by Divaldo Pereira Franco.