Divine Love, wisdom and Justice II

         Opening Prayer

         First: tell the children the story called Everything is for a good reason, taken from the site www.momento.com.br.

         Second: comment on the story.

         There are many times when when we don’t understand the Divine Law… But God’s justice manifests through the Law of Cause of Effect. Do you know how this law is called? Many of the apparent injustices are also explained by this law.

         God always knows what is best for us and His will manifests through His wise and just laws.

         Jesus taught us it will be given “each one according to their work” – this is also the law of cause and effect.

         Many difficulties happen because we are in a world of Tests and Atonements. The challenges (difficulties) are tests we have to go through. We chose many of these tests before we reincarnate in Earth to progress.

         Some of the nature phenomena, such as floods and droughts, are also a consequence from the misuse of nature resources by human beings. It is our duty to preserve the environment, not pollute, not waist water, not throw rubbish on the floor, etc.

         The proofs of God’s existence are also proofs of His wisdom. There is no other wisdom that could have created the entire Universe.

         Third: tell the children the story called The little anonymous Hero.

         Fourth: comment on the story.

         But how can we love God? Being God immaterial, ethereal… It seems so distant from us, it could be even difficult to understand how to love Him.

         What does God understand for loving Him? Does He wish some sort of adoration, cult, externalization of this love?

         It becomes much easier to love God by loving what comes from Him; the work of His creation.

         Let’s start by our planet. Have you ever worried about looking after our planet? It doesn’t belong to us; it’s our transitional home which was lent to us. It belongs to God. What are we doing with it?

         When we have caring attitudes to our planet, aren’t we showing our love to God? For loving Him, we begin to change our relationship with the things that surround us.

         A new world, with so much technology, demands new reflections from each of us. We are now more than 6 billion spirits reincarnate in this school called Earth. We all have the need to be here for our learning process.

         We need to look after our planet so it can be the home for all of us. Let us have habits and attitudes that are not inconsequent or frivolous.

         If the temperature of the planet rises, threatening lives, what is in our reach to do? If the volume of rubbish generated in our city is excessive, what can we do about it?

         These are the small attitudes we can do to demonstrate our love and respect for God.

         When we respect flora and fauna, we are respecting the planet. We should not permit the traffic of animals or plants, not consume wood, plants, seeds or fish at times when it’s prohibited for example.

         Our love to God will be more effective when we love the work of His creation. We should not just love Him in words that don’t reflect in attitudes.

         When we respect the planet, we are giving proof of our love to the Creator; God; our Father.

         Fifth: tell the children the story called Do the right thing.

         Sixth - activity: please ask the children for them to think of something good and/or positive they have done lately. This could be at school, at home, with their family, with friends or at the spiritist centre. Give them a few minutes to think about this task. After that, ask the children to write down their reflections on their notebook; ask them to share these with their colleagues as well.

         Seventh: listen to the attitudes related by each member of the group (the spiritist teacher should also share something with the children). Highlight we must value our efforts towards goodness. Mention that we all can construct a better world together, starting from our own attitudes and thoughts.

         Eighth: remind them we all have/will have tests in this incarnation. Therefore, in accordance with the law of Cause and Effect, we can soften the difficulties through good actions. This is also a manifestation of God’s kindness. If we do our part, our best, we should be able to calm down our hearts, stay at peace because what happens is part of God’s kindness and wisdom.

         Closing Prayer

         Class Suggested being suitable for: 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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