Do the right thing

         After spending 10 years in prison, John was finally free. Perhaps this was the time to review his life. Why did he commit so many crimes? So many robberies? Why did he get addicted to alcohol? Why did he hurt the ones who loved him so much?

         He remembered his childhood: his dad was indifferent and aggressive. He spanked him, his mother and his brother up. He was an alcoholic; he lived more time in jail than in freedom.

         John would excuse himself saying: - That’s right! How could I have been any different with a dad like this? What kind of role model did I have in my life?

         On the other side of the city, Carlos was reflecting…. He lived in a very comfortable house, in a pleasant neighbourhood: What did I do to be in such a comfortable position? I have a stable profession; a balanced and happy family.

         He then remembered his childhood: his dad was unstable, alcoholic, and unhappy. He was so unhappy Carlos promised himself he would never follow his dad’s bad example. He studied, graduated, worked, supported his mom until her death, and helped his brother until they lost contact. Where would he be now?

         John and Carlos are brothers. What lead them have such different lives, if they came from the same family?

         Determination and good will is the answer; we are free to choose to be either happy or unhappy; to follow a good or bad example; to do or not do the right thing!

         The Spiritist Doctrine explains to us we have free-will. The more evolved the spirit, the bigger is his freedom of choice. We will reap according to what we sow. We are free to reap, but it’s mandatory to sow, even if this doesn’t happen in this incarnation.

         To do the right thing in all moments of our lives: this is the true route for happiness.

Luis Roberto Scholl

Published at Magazine Seara Espírita – June/2004.

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies