Everything is for a good reason

         There was a Jewish man called Mahum, whose name meant ‘Also’. They usually called him this way because he would always say, no matter how bad the situation was: This is also happening for a good reason!

         If the rain destroyed his garden or the heavy shower rain destroyed his work, he would also say: This is also happening for a good reason!

         He would then start working on his garden and/or vegetable-garden, without complaining.

         If ever got ill, he would say: This is also happening for a good reason. He took the appropriate medication and waited for his body to recover, getting back to work as soon as he could.

         One night Mahum needed to go to the city which was located near by.

         He got his donkey prepared, as this was his mode of transport. He also took with him his rooster which was his alarm clock and watch, and an oil lamp to light up his way.

         This lamp was going to be used for him to do some reading before falling asleep in the middle of the forest.

         It was quite late at night and he was now in the middle of the forest. The oil in the lamp suddenly spilled and the lamp switched off. He stayed in the dark. Unexpectedly, his rooster felt sick and died. His donkey died as well soon later.

         The poor man was now on his own, in the middle of a dark forest, hearing scary and strange noises.

         He then said to himself, without feeling afraid but quite confidently: Everything God does is for a good reason.

         He accommodated himself as best as he could and slept.

         On the following day, the sun came up. He woke up and continued walking by foot. He managed to arrive at his home city some hours later. His friends looked at him with astonishment.

         They seemed to be looking at a ghost. They then finally asked:

         How come you are still alive? We heard that yesterday evening some roman soldiers were sent to the forest with the objective of killing you!

         It was at this time that Mahum explained what happened and concluded: If my lamp would have been working, if my rooster and my donkey didn’t die, I would be a dead man by now. The brightness of my lamp as well as the noises of the rooster and the donkey would let them know where I was located.

         I can continue affirming: "Everything God does is for a good reason."

* * *

         When the violent storm becomes stronger and the pain seems to be unbearable, this is the time to wonder why this is reaching us.

         Good sense will always say that the Divine Providence exists. Everything happens at the appropriate time and at the right moment.

         God is supreme wisdom and perfect justice, providing the needs for his children, with the main objective of progress and redemption.

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies