
         Opening Prayer

         First: surprise box – the spiritist teacher should place fruits and vegetables such as carrots, beetroot, tomato, orange, apple, banana, pineapple, papaya, grapes, strawberries inside the box and ask the children to identify them.

         Second: please talk to the children about nutrition and food. Create a dialog with them and ask which fruits and vegetables they enjoy the most. You can also ask the importance of each fruit and vegetables for our organism. For example, bananas are good for our bones. Our body needs nutrition in order to stay strong and healthy. Many different types of food such as chocolate, sweets, gum, biscuit, pizza, hot-dog and fizzy drinks, taste good. Therefore, they can cause us harm if we eat them too much, such as diseases and tooth decay.

         Third: tell the children the story called “Tiger, the cat".

          Tiger, the cat is part of the project Conte Mais which is being coordinated by the Spiritist Federation of Rio Grande do Sul/Children and Youth Department. These stories were being used by the Spiritist Educators since 1950 and are now being launched in these series of books. The book collection is classified in accordance with the topic it is related to in order to make it easier for it to be used. You can find more information here - Coleção Conte Mais.

          [Click here] to download the Power point which can be used to show to the children as you tell them the story.

         Observation: in order to make the story even more interesting, please click here, to find some drawing which were prepared by the spiritist worker Richard Ricardo Suarez Rodriguez. These could be printed and coloured by the children.

         Suggestion: please take fruit salad and distribute to all the children.

         Homework: ask the children to colour the drawing Tiger, the cat and hand it back to the spiritist teacher on the following class.

         Spiritist Teachers: Ângela and Camila.          Class suggested being suitable for: Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).

         Closing Prayer

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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