Ways to Love Each Other for Kindergarten
First: Welcome the children into the session. Say how happy we are to see them and how important they are for the class. Explain we will follow the letters of the alphabet in order to choose the volunteer for the opening prayer. So, the child’s name that starts with the letter A will do the opening prayer this time. Everybody will have the chance to collaborate as the weeks passed by.
After that, the Spiritist worker will introduce the “Raffle Box of Prayers”. In your turn, each child will open the box, choose one prayer and read it loudly for whole class. We will do it until all the kids have their chance to choose and read a prayer.
When the activity with the “Raffle box of Prayers” finishes the volunteer will collect the booklet “The Lord’s Prayer” with the children who was responsible in the previous week.
The volunteer can make up a few questions, such as:
* What did you most like in this prayer;
* What could you learn during the week with the prayer and others
The child can also read the prayer for his/hers colleagues. Another child will be able to choose himself/herself to take the booklet home and bring next week, at the end of this activity.
The Lord’s Prayer booklet

P.S. At the end of the class the parents will be informed and also asked about their availability to bring the booklet next week.
Second: The volunteer will discuss with the children about the prayer “Prayer for my friend who is ill” from the book LEARNING HOW TO PRAY – A BOOK OF PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN by Elsa Rossi. Each one will also receive a copy of the prayer.
Prayer of Gratitude
Dear Jesus, yesterday I prayed to God, who is our Father, to help my Dad feel less sad.
God listened to my prayer because today he came home from work smiling and happy.
I know that God helped him because he found a better job and he won’t have to worry so much about bills.
When you talk to your Dad, Dear Jesus, give him a hug for me.
Thank you Jesus!
Third: Story Time - The volunteer will tell them the Story called: The runaway squirrel
Story adapted from: http://www.searadomestre.com.br/evangelizacao/estoriaingl.htm#runawaysquirrel
Fourth: Animals Family Activity - The volunteer will bring many pictures of different types of animals such as elephant, lion, ant, butterfly, bird, etc. Each child in his/her turn will be asked to place the animal's picture given within the right animal family.
During the activity, the volunteer will ask some questions, like:
* Would you listen to your parents as this (say the name of the animal) does?
* Would you help your parents as this (say the name of the animal) does?
* Do you love your parents as this (say the name of the animal) does?
At the end, the volunteer will bring a poster written God in order to explain that all of us were created by Him to love.
Fifth: Activity - The volunteer will bring an empty small bottle of water for each child. They will also receive pieces of paper with different types of animals and names of virtues to be coloured and placed inside of the bottle.
Sixth: Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9diFwUly4M
Extra activity: The volunteer will bring a big heart shape with lots of small hearts inside. Each child will have a turn to take one heart and then offer it to one colleague.
Seventh: Reading Time - Spiritist Books for children will be placed on the table. The child would be invited to share, to read and say what they see when they are reading.
Eighth: Healing Theatre - The volunteer will bring the names of all children in a small box. Each one at his/her turn will be asked to choose one piece of paper. The child who will be chosen has to sit down in the middle chair. Meanwhile, the other child will read some instructions which should be followed by the child who is sitting down. If the child followed all the instructions given by the other colleague he/she will receive a sticker which says: “Well Done!”
Ninth: Closing prayer - One of the children will do a closing prayer. Explain we will follow the letters of the alphabet in order to choose the volunteer for the closing prayer. So, the child’s name that starts with the letter B will do the opening prayer this time. Everybody will have the chance to collaborate as the weeks passed by.
Suggested activity to be given as Homework.
Class suggested being suitable for: Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).
Spiritist volunteer: Juana Castro, London, linked to The Spiritist Psychological Society.