The runaway squirrel

         In a clearing in the forest, lived a family of squirrels that lived in peace and harmony. The small family was made up of the father Squirrel, mother Squirrel and a couple of very obedient kids. They all respected each other, because among them there was love

         They usually used to listen to Jesus teachings and they always try to learn how to apply it with the family members.

         Every day and night they pray to Jesus and God in order to thank them for the wonderful family they have.

         So, each one know their duty at home such as the father Squirrel left to provide for their family, meanwhile mother Squirrel stayed at home taking care of the kids and chores. Also the kids have to clean their room and help mummy out!

         One day, mother Squirrel found out she would be a mother once again. Everybody got really happy because they knew it were a present from God for them!

         After a little while, the family increased. It was a beautiful baby! The baby was growing up fast, but most of the time he didn’t want to listen to mummy, dad or brothers. Sometimes, he used to yell and cried a lot in order to have what he wants.

         The small family started to make all his wishes. But not all could be done! And each time his mother reprimanded him, he would get rebellious and unhappy.

         — I want it know. Said the little baby

         — My dear son, you will have later, right?

         — No, no, no. He started to yell, cry and be nervous.

         As time goes by, he started to think that no one loved him. They were always yelling at him: “Don’t do this, Little Squirrel! Don’t do that! Organize your things!

         So, one day tired of everything, feeling sad, he went away decided to live freely in the forest. His mother always warned him about the hazards he would find, but he never cared. His father would never allow him to go into the jungle alone worried about his safety. But now, he was free and didn’t need to obey anyone.

         — Phew! Finally I’ll lead the life I always wanted. I’m old enough to take care of myself! — He thought.

         He walked around in the forest, satisfied.

         Little by little was getting dark and Little Squirrel was yet to find shelter. The sounds of the jungle were scary and he wanted to be beside his mother, always so kind.

         But now he was lost. And he couldn’t come back. And, on top of everything, he was really hungry! Darkness was growing bigger and bigger and scarier too.

         Tired of walking, Little Squirrel stopped at a big tree and fell asleep after weeping a lot.

         He dreamed of their family and remembered very nice moments they had when everyone helped each other, laugh together and specially his birthdays.

         Early in the morning, he woke up with the sound of the trees feeling sorry for what he did and how he was behaving until now with his family. He was missing all of them and knew THEY LOVE EACH OTHER!

         So, he listened something strange he thought someone was coming. He got up quickly. Maybe it was someone who could help him!

         It was a huge and menacing wolf!

         When wolf growled, widening his teeth dangerously, Little Squirrel left in a hurry.

         Realizing he was away from danger, he stopped to rest.

         — Phew! That was close! — He said, relieved.

         At this moment, he heard a strange noise, as if it were rattling. He looked at the floor and he saw a big snake ready to attack. Scared, he ran away as fast as he could.

         With his heart beating fast and wheezing, he stopped at a tree. His legs were shaking! He leant towards it to recover his breathe, when he heard different hum.

         What could it be? He looked up and realized he almost touched in a swarm of bees. And they looked really angry!

         Gathering his strength, he ran away again trying to escape from the swarm that was coming in his direction.

         Looking back, he didn’t see a creek in front of him. He fell into it, getting all wet. Fortunately, the bees went away and Little Squirrel could leave the water calmly. Looking around, he recognized the place. Yes! He was near home!

         More confident, he took a small trail and in few moments he got to the clearing where he resided. Everybody got happy and relieved with his return hugging and kissing him several times.

         Feeling better, after eating again, Little Squirrel told his mother:

         — You know, mum, I realized that nowhere is like our home! I thought you didn’t love me, because you kept reprimanding me. Now, I know you act like this because you love me. I had some rough times, feeling cold and lonely. Only here, with you guys, I feel safe and peaceful. And his mum, with tears in her eyes, said:

         — That’s true, my son. We all love each other and there is nothing like our family. But, you were never alone. God was always with you and brought you safely again.

         And Little Squirrel, nodding his head, said:

         — Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful family You gave me!