The Soil and The Plants - Kindergarten and Nursery II

         First (5:45pm – 5:55pm): Opening prayer; get the children to repeat after the Spiritist volunteer. As weeks go by the Spiritist Worker should encourage the children to volunteer for this task. If they don’t want to collaborate we could say we will follow the letters of the alphabet. The child’s name that starts with the letter A will do the opening prayer this time. Everybody will have the chance to collaborate as the weeks unfold. The child’s name that starts with the letter B will do the closing prayer at the end of the session.

         Second (5:55pm – 6:15pm) Welcome the children into the session. Say how happy we are to see them there and how important they are for the class. Sing songs together; get the children to remain standing but in a circle.

         Song: The wise man

         The wise man built his house upon the rock (3x)
         And the rain came and tumbling down
         The rain came down and the floods came up (3x)
         And the house on the rock stood firm

         The foolish man built his house upon the sand (3x)
         And the rain came and tumbling down
         The rain came down and the floods came up (3x)
         And the house on the sand went crash!

         So built your life on the law Jesus Christ (3x)
         And you built your house in the rock

         Please find relevant Youtube video to be used for this part of the class:

         +++ sing other songs from the songs’ list as per attached here.

         +++ please find an additional list of songs attached here.

         Third: Cinema time

         Watch the video: Jesus and the parables; which quickly says what a parable is and why Jesus taught using parables

         Please find relevant Youtube video to be used for this part of the class:

         Jesus spoke in simple stories as a way of teaching his disciples lessons he wanted them to learn.
         Lesson learnt with the story are easier to be remembered and later can be easily shared with others.
         Who would like to hear stories? It’s nicer, isn’t it?
         Show the book: “The Lion First Book of Parables” (Lois Rock, illustrated by Barbara Vagnozzi) and have a little chat with the kids about it.

         Fourth: Cinema time

         Watch the parable video: The sower and the seeds

         Let’s see how it happened.

         Fifth (6:25pm – 6:35pm): The parable

         Now the Spiritst Worker will tell the parable using objects. See the video below which explains how this would be done.

         Ask the kids:
         What is a sower?
         What is a seed?
         What happened to the seeds that fell on the path?
         What happened to the seed that fell in the rocky soil?
         What happened to the seeds that fell in the middle of thorn?
         And what happened to the seed that fell in the good soil?
         Which one was the best?
         Explain to them that our heart is like the 4 types of the soil and every time that we learn a good lesson and act good we are like to the seed which fell in a good soil and became a beautiful plant!

         Sixth: Activity - The kids will be asked to produce their own parable book. Please find relevant picture which illustrates how this can be done:

         Seventh: Get them to watch the Youtube video below:

         How does a plant grow?
         Ask the kids if they remember what happened with Sid, the seed.

         Eighth: Theatre – Ask the children to sit in a circle. Bring a bag with face masks, which will represent the following:

         * Soil
         * Seed
         * Clouds
         * Drops of water
         * Sun
         * Roots
         * Shoots
         * Leaves
         * Tree with fruits

         The kids will choose, from the bag, what they want to be. The Spiritist worker will tell how the seed become a beautiful flower and each child will have their own turn to act in the theatre.

         Ninth: Big puzzles - Each child will receive a bag with 4 pieces of paper to colour. The kids will be asked to join the pieces together on the wall, after finish colouring it. It will be transformed into 4 big pictures:


         Ask the kids again what the process is for a little seed to become a beautiful flower. The Spiritist worker can make a connection with the parable told at the beginning of the class. Ask about the different types of soil and what type should this one be?

         Tenth: Please find a story, which can be used to tell the children at this stage of the class. This was taken from the book O semeador, by the Spirit Amélia Rodrigues, psychography via Divaldo Pereira Franco.
         Click here to find the story.

         Explain the importance of the quality of the “seeds” we all sow to the kids.
         Ask them for examples of how we can be sowers of love, kindness and affection.
         Ask them for examples of how we can be a sower of badness, evil and destruction.
         Ask them which one is better to have a peaceful world.
         Ask them which one they choose to be.

         Eleventh: Activity - Be a sower of love

         The Spiritist Worker will bring: plastic pots, cotton wool balls, wood stick and plain cupcake cases.
         The kids will be asked to plant their plant with the objects they are given.
         Afterwards ask the kids to attach the flower on a poster of an arid and dry landscape in order to become a beautiful land. Please find relevant picture which illustrates how this can be done:

         Homework: Colour the following material, which was taken from the internet.

         Closing prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: Nursery (3 to 4 years old) and Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).

         Spiritist volunteer: Juana Castro, London, linked to The Spiritist Psychological Society.


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