The sower

         Angelica was a teacher. She lived in a small town and taught in a nearby village.

         She was not considered to be a balanced person because of her behaviour, which seemed a bit odd for the other people.

         Students of elementary school thought she was a very strange person.

         They observed that the teacher, during the travels from home to school, used to make gestures and movements with her hands which they could not understand, so therefore they thought she was quite crazy.

         Angelica waved, from the train window, as if to say goodbye to someone invisible.

         The children used to mock criticize her, but she did not know, as these comments were always done behind her back.

         Everyone, including parents and other teachers, thought she was crazy; although they all agreed that she was an excellent teacher.

         The years passed by and the situation remained the same. Several generations received kind, valuable and blessed teachings from the dedicated teacher.

         Angelica was a person of good manners, calm and gentle, but not well understood by others.

         One day she was traveling to school with several children and, as a usual, she placed her hands out of the window as if she was waving to someone.

         The students, sitting in the back of the train, smiled mischievously at her. Alberto, one of her students who liked her very much, decided to sit beside her. He asked, very friendly and with kindness:

         Teacher, why do you insist on continuing with these crazy attitudes?

         What do you say, child? The kind woman asked.

         Oh, teacher - he continued, - you're waving bye-bye to the animals… Shaking your hands, as if you are waving to invisible people ... Isn’t that a crazy attitude?

         The teacher understood what he meant and smiled.

         She drew the attention of the student, by saying, feeling sincerely touched:

         See this bag. - She pointed to the object. Can you tell what's inside?

         Yes - Alberto answered. I see that there is something there, but what is it, anyway?

         The teacher calmly replied: These are small seeds. They are the pollen of flowers...

         It’s been almost twenty years that I do the same journey from and back to school... Before I started throwing them, this road was ugly, arid and unpleasant.

         So, one day I had a great idea to make this way more beautiful. From that day onwards I decided that, from time to time, I will gather seeds of the most beautiful and delicate flowers and throw them out of the window.

         I know they will fall on good soil and, by the spring time, they will be transformed into plants which will produce flowers, giving joy and colour to all the landscape.

         As you can see, the landscape is no longer arid and dry. There are various types of flowers now available during our train journey and a pleasant smell predominates in the air, which the breeze then spreads to other areas…


         In life, we are all sowers...

         Some sow flowers and discover beauties, perfumes and fruits.

         Others sow thorns and hurt themselves in their spikes.

         Nobody lives without sowing, either good or evil...

         Blessed are those who leave seeds of love, kindness, affection, wherever they go...

         Taken from: Redação do Momento Espírita com base no livro O semeador, pelo Espírito Amélia Rodrigues, psicografia de Divaldo Pereira Franco, ed. Leal. In 07.12.2009.

         Translated by: Juana Castro, London, linked to The Spiritist Psychological Society.