Content Review II

         Opening Prayer

         There are many ways of reviewing the content which was taught to the children throughout the year. We usually review all the topics discussed during the year at the end of the spiritist educational year. Here are some techniques we have used:

         Tecnique 1: We are going to use the ‘Musical box’ technique for this activity. The spiritist teacher should play a spiritist song which is known by the children. The children should be sitting in a circle and a box should be given to them. As soon as the music starts, the children will start handing the box over to the child sitting next to them. When the music stops, whoever is holding the box will have to open it and get one of the questions that were placed inside the box before the activity started. This technique is also known as Hot Potato (game). If the child gives the correct answer, he/she would get a prize (a sweet/candy). ). If the child doesn’t know the right answer, the person sitting next to him/her should try to answer it. This was a very fun and dynamic activity, which also enabled the spiritist teacher to complement the answers given by the children.

         Tecnique 2: You could use the raffle game technique: you can give out a certain amount of raffle tickets to the children. You might want to give more than one number for each child. The spiritist teacher will then place questions that are related to the raffle ticket numbers inside a small box. Each questions will be related to one number. If the spiritist teacher gets number 6 out of the box, the child who has the raffle ticket number 6 will need to answer the question. If the child gives the correct answer, he/she would get a prize (a sweet/candy). ). If the child doesn’t know the right answer, the child with the raffle ticket number 7 (the number that is on the sequence) will get the chance to answer it and get a prize. The game should continue until all the questions have been answered.

         Obs.: even if the child doesn’t answer the questions correctly or doesn’t know the answer, he/she should get a prize. This will avoid any embarrassment; plus, it will be an incentive for the child to continue taking part in this activity.

         Before you finish this activity, the spiritist teacher should ask what the children learned during the year; what grabbed their attention and/or what they considered to be important for their lives.

         Click here to find suggested questions we used, with the respective answers.

         Click here to print the questions only.

         Final Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: these questions were based on the curriculum from the2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old). This technique could also be applied as from the 1st cycle (7 to 8 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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