Why is it important to attend the spiritist education classes? It is important to attend the spiritist education classes to learn Jesus’ teachings and the Spiritist Doctrine. This knowledge will be very useful and important during our incarnation in Earth and beyond.

         Who am I? I am a spirit. I am incarnate temporarily in a physical body to progress; carry my own inner reform.

         Why is the physical body important? It is important as this is a tool for my spirit; it helps me on my evolution.

         Where did Allan Kardec live? He lived in France.

         What did Allan Kardec do for the Spiritist Doctrine? He codified the spiritist doctrine (Allan Kardec's spiritual mission on earth was to lift the veil that separates the present and the future of humankind. Allan Kardec, with wisdom and compassion, turned the Spiritist Doctrine into a Christian lighthouse of hope and consolation).

         How is the first book launched by Allan Kardec called? The Spirits' Book.

         Who answered the questions from The Spirits' Book? The spirits (This book is a compilation of their teachings. It has been written by the order and under the dictation of spirits of high degree, for the purpose of establishing the bases of a rational philosophy, free from the influence of prejudices and of preconceived opinions).

         2007 was a year of celebration for The Spirits' Book. Why was that? The Spirits' Book celebrated its 150 year anniversary.

         Please tell us one of the principles of the Spiritist Doctrine: Reincarnation, the existence of God, plurality of the inhabited worlds, law of cause and effect, communication between incarnate and disincarnate spirits.

         How do we know God exists? How can we prove his existence? To assure ourselves of the existence of God we have only to look abroad on the works of creation. The universe exists, therefore It has a cause. To doubt the existence of God is to doubt that every effect has a cause, and to assume that something can have been made by nothing.

         Please define God with your own words. God is the Supreme Intelligence, first cause of all things. God is eternal, immutable, immaterial, unique, omnipotent, supremely just and good.

         How can we demonstrate our love for God? By respecting God’s creation: the animals, the human beings and the nature.

         What virtues should we develop and put into practice when we have problems at home with our family? The principles of love, compassion, kindness, justice, loyalty, forgiveness, respect, etc.

         What types of links exist between human beings? There are spiritual links and blood links. People only linked to one another by the heart. If, upon the earth, no affection is felt for a spirit, there is nothing that can attach him to it; he has the whole universe before him.

         Why is it important to do goodness? The practice of goodness makes the person who does it feels good about him/herself. By doing goodness, you receive goodness in return; it brings happiness. The purer is that spirit, the more decidedly is the man inclined to goodness.

         Where do we go when we disincarnate? When we disincarnate we go to the spiritual world which has colonies, hospitals, lower sphere planes… It will depend on our present attitudes; in this reincarnation.

         What happens to the physical body and to the spirit when someone disincarnate? The physical body dies and will be berried or cremated. The spirit will continue to live in the spiritual world, following its own evolutional path.

         What will a person take from this reincarnation when he/she disincarnate? The person will take their attitudes (positive and negative), feelings and virtues.

         What is a medium? Certain persons gifted with a special power or faculty - that is to say, go-betweens, or intermediaries between spirits and men.

         How should animals be treated? Animals should be treated with respect and love since they were created by God.

         Please tell us one way we can look after the nature: no polluting the rivers, saving the water, respecting animals and plants.

         How do you thing the spiritual world look like? I believe it looks similar to the material world, but it’s more perfect: it has schools, hospitals, houses, colonies…

         Why do we need to reincarnate? We reincarnate to learn; to progress.

         Can we talk to our guardian angel / protector spirit? Yes, we can through our prayers and dreams.

         What is the Gospel at Home practice? FREE ANSWER.

         Please tell us something about Jesus: FREE ANSWER.

         What are Parables? Please tell us one of Jesus’ parables. These are stories Jesus used to tell in order to transmit moral teachings to the people at the time. Some of the parables are: The Mustard Seed, The Lost Sheep, The Unforgiving Servant, The Talents, The Good Samaritan…

         Please tell us three of Jesus’ teachings: Love, peace, kindness, patience, work, resignation, tolerance…

         What is the Consoler promised by Jesus? Spiritism.

         Please tell us a way you can save water and help the world: when we are brushing our teeth we can turn off the water until they are ready to rinse. The same can be done with the shower.

         When can we pray? Where can we pray? We can pray anywhere and at any time.

         Who taught us the Lord’s Prayer? JESUS.

         Are there other inhabited planets in the Universe? Yes, there are.

         Is it the best choice to always say the truth? Why? If we lie we are being dishonest with ourselves and others; plus, a lie will soon be uncovered.

         What is the main objective of the Spiritist Doctrine? To help us carry out our own inner reform; our spiritual evolution.

         Do you know any famous spiritist personality? Divaldo Franco, Raul Teixeira, Chico Xavier, Allan Kardec, and Sir William Crookes...

         Who should we forgive? How many times should we forgive? We should forgive ourselves and others. We should always forgive.

         What is the most important profession? Every profession is equally important.

         What does this mean: H = PN + GC + BF? Happiness is equal to possession of the necessaries of life + good conscience + belief in a future state – Question 922 from The Spirits' Book (As regards material existence, it is the possession of the necessaries of life; as regards moral existence, it is a good conscience and the belief in a future state).

         When does life start? Life starts at the moment of conception.

         How can you say NO to drugs? I can say no to drugs by not accepting anything from strangers, not smoking, not drinking alcohol; plus, I can make others aware that using drugs causes harm to our health.

         Does God love as equally? Yes, he does. All spirits were created by God.