
           Opening Prayer

          First: tell the children the story called the little anonymous Hero.

          Another suggestion is to apply the ‘Reincarnation Teachnique’; based on the book Reincarnation from Orson Peter Carrara, Edited by Mythos.

          Click here to get access to this technique.

          Click here to find the drawings created by the 2010 3rd cycle group (11 and 12 year olds) – Grupo Espírita Seara do Mestre.

          Second: stimulate a dialog around this topic.

           How many times do you think you have reincarnated?

           In the spiritual world there are Departments and Ministries that look after the process of our future reincarnations: they decide how our body will look like, in which family we will reincarnate, how long we will stay in Earth...

           Why can’t we remember our past? The reason why is because this facilitates our learning process and helps us to fix the errors we have done in the past. Let’s keep in mind we made several mistakes in the previous existences which we would feel ashamed of ourselves if we remembered. This lack of memory facilitates the process of us becoming closer to the ones we didn’t feel comfortable around previously and/or the ones we need to learn to love.

           Why do we need to reincarnate? We need to reincarnate in to correct our mistakes, to practice goodness, be loving and friendly to others.

           We all reincarnate in different conditions: rich or poor; within different races or countries; around different people

           We have developed a variety of relationships with others that could lead us to reincarnate in a certain family. This happens so we can develop a relationship with certain individuals (our spiritual family) or with challenging ones we will have to learn to love and forgive

           There exists a law that rules all reincarnations. What is it called? It is the law of Cause and Effect. Every effect has one cause:

                    If you spend too much time in the sun, you will get sun burned.

                    If you eat too much, you will feel blown up.

                    If you are envious or gossiper, you will loose your friends.

                    If you lie, you will get caught; you will then not be trusted.

                    If you fought with someone but you didn’t forgive this person, perhaps you will needs to reincarnate close to him/her in order to develop a social relationship with your friend or relative.

           Once we disincarnate, our circumstances in the spiritual world will vary according to what we do here; if we have behave in a good or bad way.

           Let’s not forget a reincarnation is a gift from God. We should never kill anyone or attempt suicide. Suicide is an attitude that brings a lot of suffering and makes us a lot of pain. Every problem has a solution. God, who is caring and just, always gives us the necessary conditions to overcome our daily challenges… We should connect to the Spiritual Benefactors, to our guardian angel, to God and Jesus praying. This way we will get help.

           We reincarnate to progress; to learn.

          Third - activity: crossword

          Closing Prayer

          Class suggested being suitable for: 2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old) and 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old)

          Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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